Have you ever wondered what Thanksgiving Day is all about? How it came to be? It's not about the big box store sales that start earlier each year on Thanksgiving Day. Or, is it? It's not about the huge generous portions of turkey, stuffing, gravy, pumpkin pie, and other yummy food that friends and family gather together to consume. Though that is much to be thankful for, especially if you don't have to do anything but eat. It's not even about the Pilgrims who supposedly ate the first Thanksgiving meal in the New World with the original residents of the land. According to the Wikipedia article, Thanksgiving Day originated as a kind of harvest festival. You know, as in thank you, God, for all the food that we have been able to grow, gather, eat, and store for the harsh cold months until we can grow food again. I am indeed very thankful for the lemons, persimmons, avocados, apples, and tomatoes that we harvest from our backyard. In the early years of the United State...