I like taking part in Sunday Stealing every so often. This week, hostess Bev gives us questions that she found at Upstream Life. 1. Your favorite sport. To watch, none. To participate, bicycling and swimming. 2. A quote to live by. “Patience comes to those who wait,” quoteth Su-siee! Mac. I told the Husband that’s what I want on my gravestone. 3. A city in the U.S. you would like to move to. San Juan Bautista or Tres Pinos, two nearby towns. 4. 3 beautiful things in my life. The Husband’s love, my friendships, and our home. 5. What made you laugh today? The deer grazing in our backyard. It’s a life-size (kinda) metal deer that I bought for 50 cents at a yard sale yesterday. Score! 6. A good deed you did today. The good deed I do everyday: Don’t take over the world. 7. Activities you like to do when you are bored. The usual—reading, painting, gardening, cleaning house, sewing, crafting, watching TV. 8. Are you a procrastinator? I’m a big-time procrastinator. 9. Your thoughts a