is now selling my designs as postcards. You have seen many of the photos on Take 25 to Hollister. Currently, there are 12 postcards featuring the city of Hollister. Over time, I will be adding postcard designs of San Juan Bautista, Tres Pinos, the Pinnacles, and other locales in San Benito County.
Yes, this is full disclosure to the FTC and one and all: I am shamelessly hawking my postcard designs. I hope you will check them out. By clicking on the links on this panel, you will be taken to the Zazzle site. Should you buy one or two or several, I will receive a pittance of a royalty for each one.
Thank you!
Su-sieee! Mac
View more gifts at Zazzle.
I think that having your photos made into postcards is exciting! congrats!