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13 C's I'm Liking

coffee.  This morning the Husband and I shared a chocolate old-fashioned doughnut to enjoy with our cups of black coffee. Happy smiles all around.

Cable.  I want us to get rid of our cable subscription. The Husband agrees it's too expensive for the few channels we watch. Will we? you ask. We will, I'm sure we will. The bigger question: When will we? Procrastinators are us.

ceramics.  When I was 19, my big dream was to own a bookstore with a ceramics workshop in the back. 

Cute.  The Husband says I'm cute. I tell him it's because he loves me. He says, "It's because you are cute."

chicken.  There are times when I think our representatives at the local, state, or national level of government are too chicken to make a stand one way or the other. Bwak, bwak

cooking.  I do that once a day, at least, most days. I like when it's a some day.

Coast-co.  "We're going to Costco," I would say to Mama.
"Where?" she would respond.
"Costco. The store that has all the big packages of food and stuff."
"Oh, Coast-Co," she'd say.
"That's what I said. Costco."
"Coast-Co," she'd say. "You have a different pronunciation. That's why I can't understand you."

crazy.  The Husband wrote a very snazzy jazzy song for me about a dozen years ago. The first line is: "My little baby just makes me crazy."

California.  Have you ever ridden the California Street cable car in San Francisco? It runs from Market Street (near the Embarcadero) to Van Ness Street. When I lived in the city two lifetimes ago, tourists preferred riding the cable cars to the Fisherman's Wharf. 

Como va?  How goes it?

copious.  The Husband and I are capable of consuming copious amounts of potato chips so we only buy a bag when we deserve the salty treat.

cane.  I haven't used the cane to help me climb up stairs in nearly three weeks. Whooo-hooo!

cat.  "Hey! Don't forget me."
Never Missy Molly by Golly. Never, at all!

Today, I'm taking part in three memes. Thank you all, dear hosts!

And, thank you all for kindly stopping by. :-)


  1. Cool.
    Re Coffee: I've been retired for a while now & drink most of my (black) coffee at home. I'm also a natural hermit so, despite the fact that retirement frees me up to go out anytime I like, I generally don't. Recently, after a two week home-stretch, I had a morning appointment, left early, & bought a coffee at the Circle K when I filled up the pickup. Half a mile down the road, I took a sip and...ick. It was bad enough that the coffee sucked, but I could figure out exactly why. That's when it occurred to me: no Kahlua!

    1. hahaha. When we have a bottle, I like to put some into our hot chocolate that we have at night. The Husband and I are natural hermits too. It's a good thing we haven't given into grocery delivery.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this! You are certainly cute. Love that drawing of the camel!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. That's Charlie the Camel who was taking part in a cable car bell ringing competition.

  3. Susieee,

    Coffee and chocolate doughnuts went *CLICK*! Mez think I wants some of both charming delights. Unfortunately, there are no doughnuts in the house, so I'll have my coffee with a splash of cream instead. When I was young, I was always told how 'cute' I am. I thought this meant I wasn't pretty. It took many decades to figure that that's not necessarily the case. We have basic cable and that's only because it's cheaper to have the high speed internet service to get the bundle. We have streaming services through Netflix and since we're Amazon shoppers, we're Prime members so we can stream content from the online shopping source. I can't imagine having hundreds of cable channels of little ot nothing to watch with at cutthroat recurring charge month after month. Thanks for sharing such a creative C-post & for your visit! ;)

    1. We had our doughnut and coffee out. Doughnuts are not allowed in our house unless it's what we'll eat in one sitting. Should I tell you that we ate our doughnut before we had our breakfast sandwich, which we also shared? lol
      I'm glad you enjoyed today's post, Cathy. :-)

  4. Coast-co.... how cute!! I have ridden the cable car in Frisco... What a cute kitty!! Have a great Thursday!

  5. That is a darn nice bunch of C things!

  6. Those speckled sussex lay really good egg! C you later!

    1. I wonder if they're the slightly blue eggs. The chicken belong to our friends. If the Husband and I weren't so lazy, we'd raise a couple in our backyard. At least we're realistic. :-)

  7. This was a great Thursday 13! Wonderful list. I bet you are cute. ;-) You come across as cute, anyway.

  8. Fun series of 'C's' and favorite is the Cat photo ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. We rode the cable car in San Francisco just last October! The ride was sure fun - the wait for our turn was not. :) Enjoyed your "C" post very much!

    1. Sometimes getting on a stop or two away is better. Do they still let passengers stand on the outside steps and hold on? I loved doing that.
      I'm glad you liked the post. Thanks! :-)

  10. What a fun post. Welcome to our "likes" group. mary

  11. I'm with you on the coffee and donut! My favorite donuts are maple and I must resist stopping at the donut place on the way to work too often. And I laughed about your mom's miscommunication regarding Costco. Enjoy your coffee and your beautiful Cat!!!

    1. There's a great doughnut (I'm stubborn about spelling it the old way. haha) shop less than a mile away. Laziness is the Husband's and my saving grace from going there every day.

  12. I am one who just doesn't drink coffee and I don't go to Cost-co but I might go to Coast-Co....Your mom is special. Chicken are always good...deliciously so. Love your pussy cat and Molly rules the roost. We have cable as well and I am tempted to leave it but I do enjoy watching the channels. I like a good mild cheese like havarti, I like staying in a rustic cottage but clean and without spiders. Christmas is always tops for me.

    1. The Mama would love you Birgit. I can see her get a big smile when she sees you and hold out her arms to hug you. Yes, she would.

  13. Mrs Widds has that same habit of deflecting a compliment, and I say to her, 'that doesn't make it any less true..' . . . looks like you saved the best 'C' for last! :)

    1. The Husband says the same thing. I am getting better with accepting compliments gracefully. Yup, the best is that girl.

  14. excellent - that was a lot of 'C' words, and a lot of fun!

  15. I would do the cable car just for the experience, at least.

    1. Definitely, Adam. You and Daisy would love it. For me, the best ride was the Powell-Hyde cable car that takes you to just below Ghirardelli Square.

  16. We have satellite but I guess that's basically the same as cable. I've suggested to my wife that we get rid of it though I know there are things I'd probably miss. But I also know there are options that are less expensive.

    I live in L.A. so I know a thing or two about California. If we didn't have the government and got rid of a lot of the wackos out here this place would be paradise. Other than that it's not a bad place to live--for now at least.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. California is now the 5th largest economy in the world. That's pretty darn good for not being a country, I say.
      Friends tell us of cheaper ways of seeing only things that we want. Also that an antenna would give us the local channels. It's the Husband's homework to figure what's best for us, though I'm not sure if he understands that.

  17. Susie! This post was the most fun I've had all month. I love these 13 c's! Coffee - yes please, especially with a chocolate frosted cake donut. Y.u.m. Costco and coast-co. Did you know my mom and do we have the same moms??!! Her hearing was not that great, and that is a huge understatement. Finally, I just have to say your DH is a gem. He loves you because you're cute, and you're cute because he loves you.. You both are cute. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, Roseanne. The Husband reminded me that Mama also pointed out to me that I'm not saying Coast-co right. lol By the way it takes one cutie to know others.

  18. Why don't you look into a bookstore/ceramics studio? That sounds like a viable business idea to me.

    I've yet to get into the streaming stuff. I don't even have Netflix. So, I"m with you on the cutting cable thing. From what I understand, it's great. But getting used to a new setup will take some time.

    1. I don't want the responsibility of operating a bookstore. Those days are past, but if I happened to win the lottery, I would in an instant. I could hire people to do the jobs I don't want to do which would be waiting on the public.

  19. LOL. Can't ever forget the cat. How could one ever pronounce Costco as Coast-co?? Cable - there's always some show on some obscure channel that isn't on Netflix that you don't want to live without. (Fun post!)

    1. Thanks, Sally. :-) English was Mama's second language. Her hearing wasn't great either, but I wasn't supposed to know that. lol

  20. Your husband is Correct, you are Cute ... and Clever.

    1. That's sweet of you to say, Sallie. :-) Thank you, kindly, Madame.

  21. i remember Charlie from earlier :-) and the cable car is sure fun.. chips - i don't go near them for the same reason !

    1. Cool, Lady in Read! I love that you remember Charlie. He loves it, too.

  22. coffee with milk is my favorite.
    have a great day

  23. Awesome likes. a love for me. I kind of got rid of my cable. I was paying almost $200 a month and I don't watch TV often. I had a friend tell me to get a Roku stick or Fire stick. I can get some local channels through my cable company. No I just pay about $90 about $10 a month for TV and I have a couple local channels, and some favorites like History, you can tell how much I watch. The other 80 is for my internet. I bought my own wifi works better than the cable one, it covers the whole 10 acres of my property, and I was paying $5 a month for their crappy one that I had to reset daily.

    1. I didn't know we can buy our own wifi system, not that we need it. I've heard about roku and fire stick, but can't bring myself to know how it works. I'm hoping the Husband will do it, but so far I haven't nagged him enough. lol.

  24. Lovely c's indeed... I like them all to

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week at
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  25. It's never too late to dream - you probably have room in your lovely garden for a small ceramics shop … and a chocolate donut sounds good right now - or am I more in the mood for potato chips? Do you see what you have done to me?

    1. Who, me, Angie? lol I didn't mention that I've yet to take a ceramics class. My dream was inspired from being a kid and loving the feel of mud as I tried molding it into something. See what you do to me, Angie? I'd never said that in words before.

  26. I would never forget you sweet baby girl, major points for the side selfie.
    I was just reading someone's post about tea and I guess somewhere in my 30s I traded in coffee for tea so if I were drinking coffee as an infant (possible in an Italian family) then I've been drinking tea for a year longer than coffee.. If I'm rambling more than usual, cabin fever is setting in and Cha Cha was quite ill this morning and I believe swore at me in some kind of car language. So I'm stuck inside but it's going to be much warmer than predicted (-40˚instead of -60˚ but we'll see...unless our eyeballs freeze) tomorrow but not "walking" warm, "stay in the car" warm.
    Coast-Co, haha, my gramma used to call the garbage disposal the "cabbage exploder." Well, it did kind of explode cabbage.

    1. I can see it now, the cabbage exploder. KA-POooOw. No exclamation point needed. Sounds like Cha Cha knows better than to go out in the freezer. My hats off to you for living in all that strange weather you've been having year round. May fake president be telling the truth and there's no such thing as global warming.

  27. I share a few C's: Coffee, Cooking and Cat. Never been to California...


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