Art for Fun Friday ( 1) Thursday came and went before I finished my post for Thursday 13 . So many things by which to be distracted—painting, housekeeping, weeding, reading, gardening, wandering on the Web, watching movies, talking with the Husband, cooking, and so forth and so on. I love my life as an old lady. (2) Today’s prompt for Friday Writings is “a hobby that brings you peace.” Gardening, definitely. Painting, also. I like it when they overlap, for example, the planter box of transplanted Jupiter’s beard in the above photo. The left side of the box was painted a couple years ago. I painted the right side this week because I decided to place the planter at the southeast end of the sidewalk and I wanted something colorful to face the street. (3) Doing research is fun. Sometimes I think of Google as being an 8-ball when I &ask a yes/no question such as “Can I plant canna lilies next to vine geraniums, maybe two feet away?” ...