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Little by Little

That's how I do things these days—little by little.

Little by little, I'm clearing out the Mama's belongings, moving furniture around, changing things, and so on and so forth. I work at a task until the sadness surfaces. Some tasks, I'm not ready to do.

The front yard has been easier to tackle. Somewhat. I committed myself in August when I dug out a bit of the lawn and planted some of the Mama's jade plants that outgrew their pots. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the post, to see how the change looked in September.

Progress has been little by little.

A couple weeks ago, I created a geranium corner in the upper part of the yard. At first, I planned to transplant some of the Mama's geraniums into the ground, but then I decided to have the Mama's reading chair grace that corner. (The chair is too flimsy for anyone heavier than the Mama to sit on.) I want to eventually paint the chair yellow and blue, or maybe just blue or just yellow. Maybe later, when the geraniums outgrow their pots, I'll put them in the ground. We shall see.

I still have quite a few geraniums that I need to repot. Also, geraniums to trim and to decide whether to propagate some of their stems. And, then there are the roses and everything else that needs attention. My head spins thinking about it.

Take a deep breath.

Little by little.

Blogger friend Jesh hosts a weekly meme called All Seasons, which is open from Sunday to Wednesday for anyone to link her post.  Click here to join in or to read what other participants are writing about.


  1. Golly! The Yard Looks Lovely!!!
    What good ideas you have . . . everything looks happy . . and unique . . . like YOU.

    1. Thanks, G. You have a way of lifting my spirits. I appreciate that. :-)

  2. Little by little the yard is looking great, I think the Mama would be very pleased with it. A great idea to paint the chair, I think just blue would look nice :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. I'm thinking just blue. There's another chair by the tree. That one will be yellow. If we have clear weather next week, I'll paint one of them.

  3. Just take your time Susie:) It's only normal you're not up to deciding on some things! This is a beautiful arrangement putting some of her plants in pots and baskets!
    Have a lovely week and thank you much for sharing these meaningful plants with ALL SEASONS!

  4. What a wonderful healing thing to do. :)

    1. I did a couple more hours this morning. Thinking about bricks now.

  5. If little by little is all you can do, then little by little is sufficient. I'm sure it will be a positive exercise for you to complete.

  6. I'm sorry that I have missed this. I think this looks so beautiful already and to have your Mama's chair amidst the garden is perfect. I am one for blue and yellow.


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