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Showing posts from September, 2024

Almost Ready

Dear Blog, For the past…mumble…years, the Husband and I tell ourselves, “We need to paint the garage door.”  At least retouch the peeling parts, we say. Each time, I say, “Let me have a go at it first. (Meaning let me have fun to do whatever.) If we (meaning the Husband) don’t like what I do, then we’ll paint it the normal way.” Of course the idea of painting the peeled parts of the garage door makes me gulp. I overthink it, I freeze up.   Methinks that after this morning, I am nearly ready to go for it. While watering a couple of potted spider plants, I noticed that they’d be better off sitting high off the ground. Looking around, I saw a sturdy plastic file drawer that set upright would make a perfect plant stand. It was a bit dirty and dreary, but nothing paint would hide. Voila! We’ll see if this is the year the garage door gets touched up. Truly yours, Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie