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Showing posts with the label jokes

A Joke for You

"Mr. Herd," said she.  "I am your guide." "Pleased to meet you." he said  "Call me Shep." "Shep Herd?" "Why yes that is what I do." Ba dum tssssshhh. You're welcome.

A Sunday Riddle

I've got something short and sweet for you today. And, hopefully, amusing.  Here's the first riddle I ever memorized, way back in fourth grade! What colors do you paint the sun and the wind? Answer: The sun rose and the wind blue .   Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. If I repeated myself, oh well. That's what comes of being another year deeper in senior citizenry.

Joking Away

Check out other A to Z Challenge participants by clicking here .   Ready for a few jokes. Here's one I made up the other day. In what area of a community might you find dull horses? A neighhhh-bor(e)-hood Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.  I've been editing this joke for a few years now. What was the American revolutionary's favorite poultry dish? Chicken Catch-a-Tory. Ba-dum Chinggg! The Husband likes this joke of mine. What a guy. Pablo and his tia were eating lunch at a Mexican restaurant. As his auntie was taking a bite into her burrito, Pablo noticed a rip in her sleeve. He pointed at the tear and said, "Tore, Tia? He-he.  Until tomorrow, dear readers.