1) I finally put this plant, a cousin of the bird of paradise, in the ground. I stuck it in a pot with the bottom ripped out so the roots will have access as it, hopefully, grows. 2) Of course I had to paint the pot before I put the plant in it. 3) The tyrannosaurus rex asked to be more colorful. 4) I dug out two wilting geranium plants that used to hang out behind the plant. They’re now sitting in a bucket of water to be planted elsewhere. 5) A brown butterfly flitted and rested around the Jupiter’s beard flowers, slurping at each stop. 6) A hummingbird drank from the geranium blossoms. I think it was an Anna’s hummingbird. 7) A blue jay tried very hard to crack open a nut. 8) The neighbor behind us told me that possums hang out in our yard late at night. They’re quite active, she said. At least they’re not rats, I said. Thank goodness. 9) It’s day two of the Husband’s cold. Poor guy. I’m willing myself to not catch it. I have a rag and a bottle of rubbing alcohol handy to ...