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Showing posts from August, 2024

A Delightful Day

Dear Blog, I don’t understand chairs that have a front side higher than the backside. Those chairs throw off my body big-time. Lower back grouches, cheek muscles buzz, and knees say “You know better than to sit on this chair.” As for my dangling legs on those chairs, dang. I often perch on the edge of a chair so my feet can say hello to the ground. There you go, my complaint for the day, uncomfortable chairs.  In the otherwise department, I’m feeling quite chirpy. Three things that happened within the past several hours:  Uno) Paint brushes came out. The above photo is a peek of my painting in progress. Dos) We got a 10 cent/ per gallon discount at the gas station, 30 bucks for a full tank. Whooo-hooo! Tres) We saved 60+dollars at the grocery store, thanks to coupons. Plus the organic peanut butter, ground bison, canned bamboo, and juices were on sale. Score, luxuries! Today’s yummy homemade meal: Ground bison burger with deep fried tomatoes, fresh basil, and lettuce on a toas...

Today’s Three Things

Dear Blog, I did some good work in the yard this morning. I transplanted the last of the basil seedlings and three milkweed seedlings, pulled out the going-to-pot carnations, culling the freshest to propagate, and pruned an overgrown pink geranium plant, which cuttings I’ll plop into a row beneath the eating room. (Ha! I wrote a long complicated sentence intentionally. Did it work?)  While sorting the carnation branches, I spied a snail perched on a branch. The little fellow gave a great performance. Yep, I made a video of it making its way out of the raised bed that included going by, over, under, and around a dried avocado leaf.  Snail seemed to be booking it, sliding three minutes to travel 12 inches or so. “Come outside,” I said to the Husband from the screened patio door. “It’s beautiful. I’ve heard four different birds singing.” And, he did, sitting nearby perusing the Internet while I played with the plants. Every so often we chatted, we sang, we laughed. I have a wonde...


Dear Blog, If I dared I would fantasize what life would be like today if I had not miscarried 31 years ago. It was early in the first term. I’d only discovered I was pregnant about two weeks before. The First Husband and I were on a road trip.  The first day I felt different, lighthearted and relaxed. I remember breaking into song, “I’ve got joy, joy, joy deep in my heart,” as I drove north on Hwy 80 passing the Vallejo exit for Marine World. It surprised both of us. Several days later I took a home pregnancy test. I did a couple of them to make sure. Hurrah!  We had been trying for seven years. Towards the end of our trip, in the middle of nowhere, we got a flat tire. The First Husband wasn’t feeling well; he didn’t have the strength to lift the new tire in place. I thought I was being careful by sitting on the ground and using my legs to help lift the tire. Wrong! That evening the budding embryo was gone.  The male gynecologist who saw me a couple days later told me you...

August 7, 2024

Dear Blog, Life is good. Hopefulness and joyfulness are in bloom! Truly yours, Septuagenarian Barefoot Su-sieee! P.S. Three things I did today. Ran errands with the Husband. Doodled. And, rested to recoup energy from a fun, busy week of doing nothing.