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A Delightful Day

Dear Blog,

I don’t understand chairs that have a front side higher than the backside. Those chairs throw off my body big-time. Lower back grouches, cheek muscles buzz, and knees say “You know better than to sit on this chair.” As for my dangling legs on those chairs, dang. I often perch on the edge of a chair so my feet can say hello to the ground.

There you go, my complaint for the day, uncomfortable chairs. 

In the otherwise department, I’m feeling quite chirpy. Three things that happened within the past several hours: 

Uno) Paint brushes came out. The above photo is a peek of my painting in progress.

Dos) We got a 10 cent/ per gallon discount at the gas station, 30 bucks for a full tank. Whooo-hooo!

Tres) We saved 60+dollars at the grocery store, thanks to coupons. Plus the organic peanut butter, ground bison, canned bamboo, and juices were on sale. Score, luxuries!

Today’s yummy homemade meal: Ground bison burger with deep fried tomatoes, fresh basil, and lettuce on a toasted bun with a side of roasted carrots, parsnip, and sweet potatoes. I love that we can head to the backyard with scissors to snip off basil and tomatoes in our garden.

Yep, the Husband and I have been enjoying the healing words that are coming out of the Democratic National Convention. Yi-haw!

Truly yours,

Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie


  1. Some chairs are built badly. It sounds like you scored at the pump and the grocery store.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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