My Alphabe Thursday theme—Places I've Been We've all traveled somewhere via our imagination. Maybe after we read or listened to a grand story, saw a wonderful movie or TV show, or heard an amazing song or sound. Until I was grounded with a serious job (translate: heavy responsibilities) in my 20s, I had a rich, vivid imagination. With each, and even more, serious job or work project, my imagination seemed to get duller and duller. When I feel low on imagination, I visit a particular memory. And, slowly I feel my imagination edging back. Many years ago while visiting the Only and Older Brother and his family, Youngest Niece asked me to make stuff out of play dough with her. "Sorry," I said, flopped out on the couch. "My imagination isn't working today. There's nothing inside my head." "You can borrow some of mine," the five-year-old sweetie said. She pressed her fingertips on her forehead, then pressed them on mine. How cou...