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St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica

My Alphabe Thursday theme—Places I've Been

I've driven and walked by St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica in San Jose, California countless of times over the last 40 years or so. But, it was only last October when the Husband and I were walking back to our car from the nearby San Jose Museum of Art that we popped into the cathedral on a whim.

It was not all what I expected. The interior was large, airy, and light.  The ceilings and dome were  adorned with amazing art murals.  And, the sanctuary was surrounded by spectacular stained glass windows.

The cathedral began as a small adobe church in 1803. It was the first parish in California. (San Jose was established as the first Spanish settlement about 26 years earlier.) Earthquakes and fires destroyed four churches. The fifth, and current, building was completed in the 1880s.

Major restoration was done on the church in the late 1980s. In 1990, it formally became St. Joseph Cathedral.  Seven years later, the Vatican granted it status as a Basilica.

Here are a few more photos of the church interior.

It's the letter J at Alphabe Thursday, a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Jenny Matlock.  Click here to read more about the letter J. 


  1. Susie,

    I really enjoyed looking at your photos. The cathedral has so many interesting and beautiful features. The curved pews are unusual. Were there kneelers? I think I could sit in a place like that for a long time absorbing the beauty and peace.

    1. The rounded pews surprised me, too. I don't recall kneelers, but I would think there were. Even with the tourists, the place was quite peaceful.

  2. I love classic Church architectural features, and St. Joseph's certainly has them. Blessings!

  3. Creative and wonderful shots of a very beautiful place ~ Divine for J

    Happy weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Oh Cathedrals and older churches are some of the most beautiful to look at. I love the sculpture of St. Michael killing the dragon

    1. I'm glad you knew who the angel was doing that damage. I couldn't remember and I wanted to look it up. Even a blurry photo of this sculpture is chilling to me.

  5. I haven't been in that church in ages. It is very beautiful and in the center of the redeveloped San Jose area. San Jose is my old stomping grounds. Nice to see your post today.

    1. Cool! It's amazing how Downtown San Jose has changed over the decades.

  6. Hey, Susie. It's lovely how a cathedral that ornate is also filled with light. So many are stained by years of smoke from incense, etc., but this one is filled with the Spirit. I love it. Amy

    1. The church went through at least one renovation. So, I wonder if it may have been darker at a time.

  7. Replies
    1. It's a great place to visit. The docents are wonderful.

  8. Wow, that is an impressive edifice!

  9. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this amazing structure.

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

  10. oh my word what a beautiful building.

  11. The architectual design of churches and buildings from long ago have such beauty and their style is stunning and filled with many beautiful pieces to add to the magnificence of their beauty. I am always happy to come across such buildings. Thank you for the tour. Since my children were very small I have asked God to send Michael the Archangel to protect them. I always say who better to stay at your side than a warrior? Wonderful share, thank you and have a beautiful weekend.

    1. Very true. It's good to have a warrior on your side. It was my pleasure to share this treat of visiting St. Joseph.

  12. Absolutely beautiful!

  13. Wow! That is a most impressive building, love the statue of the dragon being slayed, but wasn't is St George who slayed the dragon or did St. Michael slay one also?
    The photography is great.

    Di xx

    1. Thanks, Di. I went and looked it up. The dragon represents Satan, which is who St. Michael slayed. I need to read further. I don't remember learning that in cathechism, but then I was good at not paying attention.

  14. I've been to San Jose but I've never seen this cathedral. I'm going to have to be sure and find it next time we go that direction.

    It is Just a fascinating building.

    Thanks for linking to the letter J.



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