1. Sweet Pea Song, my iMac, is 10 years old, more or less. Unfortunately for Sweet Pea Song and me there are few, if any, updates available for her system, as well as for the applications I use. 2. She fooled her developers with their planned obsolescence. She continues to be a song of a sweet pea. 3. Lately I've been tippy tapping on typewriters at garage sales and thrift shops. Will I buy one? 4. Smith-Corona Coronet. That's the kind of portable blue electric typewriter on which I tippy-tapped during my 20s when I was into writing short stories. It gave out a comforting buzz that complimented the tip tip tip tap tap tip tip tap tap of the keys. 5. I miss inserting paper into a typewriter, rolling up the paper, pushing the carriage back, hitting the space bar three times, and pressing the keys. Voila. Magic words on paper. 6. Older Brother gave me the used typewriter in exchange for babysitting two-month-old Eldest Niece so her mom co...