I'm taking part in Sunday Stealing , hosted by Bev Sykes, who blogs at Funny the World . This week's set of questions is called Movie Challenge . 1. Last movie you watched Star Wars: The Rise of the Skywalker , the final chapter (thank you!) of the series. 2. Last movie you watched in a theater. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3. Film you’ve always wanted to watch, but haven’t. I can't think of any. 4. Favorite movie soundtrack. I don't have one. 5. Your favorite movie duo. Katharine Hepburn and Gary Grant 6. Movie you like because of its story. Jane Eyre 7. A film that disappointed you. Henry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . That sequel is my favorite of the book series. (Yes, I'm a Snapes fan, thanks of Alan Rickman's portrayal.) But, there wasn't much of the story in the movie. 8. Favorite scene from a movie. When Calamity Jane (Doris Day) sang "The Windy City" in Calamity Jane . Day danced and sang up and down, alo...