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Molly the Cat's ABC Wednesday Movie for the Letter R

Today's movie is about "So what that I'm an old person and screw you for thinking so." Pause. "I'm doing it anyway."

My Humans are those kind of people. At least I think so and they think so. That's all that counts. Purrrrrrrr.

Redwood Highway (2013)
Setting: Oregon

Marie lives in a retirement facility in southern Oregon. She has been invited to her granddaughter's wedding on the Oregon coast about 80 miles away. Because Marie is a difficult woman, meaning she and her kids have major friction, she can't get a ride there. So what else can the old coot do but sneak out one morning with her backpack and fishing pole and start walking up the Redwood Highway. Road trip!

Is Marie a experienced hiker? What does her family do when they find out she's gone from the facility? Does Marie's orneriness get ironed out by the people she meets on the way? Does she meet someone who may be her true love? What caused her to be such an unhappy lady in the first place?

A note from Su-sieee! Mac: The letter R is the theme for this week's ABC Wednesday. Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world have written with the letter. Thank you,  ABCW team!


  1. Have you ever seen the movie Harry and Tonto? It has a similar theme ie elderly gentleman and his cat are forced to leave their Manhattan apartment so they embark on a journey across country, meeting various characters along the way. The ginger cat is adorable, though the movie is a bit sad towards the end. If you've never seen it I can really recommend it - I'd love to own it on dvd but sadly I can't find a version which will play on UK dvd players, they all seem to be US versions :(

    1. I remember the movie when it first came out because of Art Carney, but I don't think I saw it. I'll look for it. Thanks for the suggestion, Eunice.

  2. This looks like an excellent film and it is now written in my book. I love stories like this and I need to know what happened in her past.

    1. After seeing it, I wanted to do my own walking quest. That didn't last long though. lol

  3. Oh what a wonderful looking and sounding movie ~ great post and trailer ~

    light and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. A first for me too, but I might keep it in mind. Thanks for the tip, Miss Molly. :)

    1. Missy Girl is asleep at the moment so I'm answering for her. She'll be glad to know. :-)

  5. Every age has its charme, doesn't it

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. What a great part for her. I haven't seen this but I like 'journey' movies.

  7. Adventure and love courtesy the wedding :)
    Sounds interesting!
    Have a great week :)


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