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Showing posts from December, 2019

2020, Here We Come!

Good Golly, Missy Molly! That's the Girl from the other morning. After a few minutes of hanging in the chilly outdoors, she zipped into the house and went straight to her new bed, which is one of her favorite pillows covered with Mama's jacket. The (wild) Cat must've felt pretty proud of herself this evening when she wandered around the living room without walking on the floor. She jumped about two feet from her table to a counter on which she tiptoed around obstacles, then hopped down onto the long couch on which the Husband and I sat. She paused for a long second to stretch herself before springing to the hassock and daintily stepping over my feet to a low table, upon which she carefully sniffed its expanse. When she was satisfied, Molly leaped to the small couch on the other side of the room. After a whole lot of sniffing and nuzzling of the couch, the hearth, and the back of the TV, Molly walked back over the low and wide table to settle herself into a snooze be...

Happy Holidays to One and All!

That's the main street of our little city of Hollister as it looked in Eliza Does-a-lot's driver's side-view mirror. I snapped it the other day while waiting for the Husband. As a kid, the festive garlands and bows above San Benito Street was one of my clues that the holiday season was upon us. With luck, I would be able to avoid any Santa Claus lurking in the downtown stores. Yup, Santa Claus was a scary figure to this kid. In 2008, the Husband played Santa Claus at the annual Christmas Ball, held by the Filipino American Community of San Benito. For the first time, I sat on Santa's lap. This was a Mister Claus who did not creep me out. Last year the Husband created a Holiday Spirit tree with lights in the living room, more specifically next to Molly the (wild) Cat's condo. She has no problem sleeping while the lights twinkle brightly. Here's a photo from last year of the sleeping (wild) beauty and our Twinkle Twinkle Tree. This year I have cooki...

Regardless, It Happened.

Irregardless. Literally. Irregardless, literally. Literally irregardless. Irregardlessly. Literally. Literally irregardlessment? Dis-irregardlessously. Literally! Literally pre-irregardlessness. Post-irregardless! Literally. Literally re-irregardlessment! Regardless. Literally? Figuratively. Ahhhh, I needed to work through a bit of snarkiness. Thank you for listening. I'm back to feeling like a Barefoot Susie. Happy Holiday Season to you!  :-) P.S. I'm heading over to Thursday 13 . Come along.


This afternoon I found two important documents that I have been seeking for a few years. Ask me where I found them? Go ahead. Please Where did I find them? Thank you for asking.  The documents were under a bunch of junk in my nightstand. Yup.  My search still continues for several other documents, including Mama's U.S. naturalization certificate and my baptismal record with my real name, unlike my birth certificate. The last time I recall seeing these other important family records was five, six, or seven years ago. At the time I placed them somewhere safer. Ha! Where or where they can be?  I'm heading over to ABC Wednesday . Come join me.

A Sunday Ramble

It's Sunday. I'm not going to do anything," I said to the Husband, invoking the rule of Mama.  Sometimes after Sunday breakfast, Mama  talked herself into not feeling guilty about taking a day off from working in the garden. So, I think. Why did I even say that? Every day is a day off. And, most days feel like a Sunday. As it went, I chose to rake leaves in the South Room.  Molly couldn't decide if she wanted to sit in the sun outside while I worked or sit in the sun indoors. She eventually settled for the latter. The Husband came out to help move, fetch, toss, and pick up in the yard. We also surveyed the best locations to grow our crops of a single this, a couple of that, and a few of these vegetable or herb plants. I'm looking forward to that. The last time the Husband and I took care of our own vegetable garden was in the late 1990s, and that was for only a couple of years. As some of you know, the backyard has naturally divided into four rooms...

Me x 13

Yippieee! Hurrah! Happiest of 33 x 2 Birthdays to me. I don't normally look back at my year. This being a day for Thursday 13 , I got curious. 1. Using pastels, I painted my first canvas. 2. Other firsts: I decoupaged rocks and made stepping stones out of concrete. 3. I started the process of putting Mama's estate at rest. 4. The Husband and I moved everything from storage to the garage. Finally, after 16 years. 5.  Garden art! Yard art! Another something I never thought I would ever do. 6. We emptied all our boxes of books and distributed them accordingly to thrift shops, Friends of the Library, and our bookshelves. Some books have been set aside for paper crafting. 7. Mama's house is becoming our home in our own style. The living room looks like a cozy library. The backyard may one day look like this drawing I created a few years ago. Cool! 8. The Husband and I went on a short road trip.  I got to see the Trinity Alps in Northern California f...

A Real 13, Really.

1. I got to the DMV office around 8:10 this morning. I was number 005. Yippieee! 2. In 10 minutes or less, my number was called. I didn't hear it because I was talking with the woman next to me who was a friend of Mama's. 3. I could barely see the first line on the eye chart with my right eye covered. "I'm getting cataract surgery on this eye." Thankfully, the young lady gave me a pass on the vision test. 4. No written test. I skimmed the handbook and took all the online practice tests earlier this week, just in case. It's still a win for me because I now know some new rules. 5. Did you know that in California you can pass on the right if there are multiple lanes, such as on the freeway? Now the Husband can't growl at people who pass on the right. "In my day. . . ." I also learned that you won't be criminally charged if you refuse to undergo a DUI test. Not that I foresee myself ever being in such a situation. 6. I couldn't g...

Molly the Cat Wants Out

Missy Girl watched Midnight scurry along the fence and cross over to the next yard. "You want to go out, don't you?" "Miarrrr." "It's cold and wet." A few minutes later, I opened the sliding door. Molly stuck her head out for a few seconds before sashaying forward. She carefully maneuvered around and through puddles, then scoot between two geranium bushes. Was she really going to sit in that wind? I glanced back at my task of sorting Mama's seed collection. Only a second. Maybe two or three. Molly was out of sight.   She wouldn't have gone after Midnight. The chimes and hanging things from the dead apple tree were dancing wildly. More than likely, she was exploring the yard and making sure everything is fine. Still, it would be best to go get her, I thought. I had nothing to worry about. Like a sprinter, Missy Molly by Golly ran into the house. She looked quite pleased with herself. All Seasons and Mosaic Monday are ...