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Molly the Cat Wants Out

Missy Girl watched Midnight scurry along the fence and cross over to the next yard.
"You want to go out, don't you?"
"It's cold and wet."

A few minutes later, I opened the sliding door. Molly stuck her head out for a few seconds before sashaying forward. She carefully maneuvered around and through puddles, then scoot between two geranium bushes. Was she really going to sit in that wind? I glanced back at my task of sorting Mama's seed collection. Only a second. Maybe two or three.

Molly was out of sight.  

She wouldn't have gone after Midnight. The chimes and hanging things from the dead apple tree were dancing wildly. More than likely, she was exploring the yard and making sure everything is fine.
Still, it would be best to go get her, I thought.

I had nothing to worry about. Like a sprinter, Missy Molly by Golly ran into the house. She looked quite pleased with herself.

All Seasons and Mosaic Monday are where Molly and I are heading. We'd be happy for you to join us.


  1. Cute! I love the final picture!

  2. What a clever kitty! This weather is crazy. Am going to tell about it in my post of Wednesday, but did you have snow on Thanksgiving, or are you too close to the ocean? For the past few weeks we put our chimes down (the noises were too wild!). Now it's raining it seems everything is coming back to rest. Thank you bunches, Susie,, for sharing with All Seasons about this wild crazy Californian weather .Wishing you have a better and drier week:than the last one):)

    1. We got snow on Tuesday on Thanksgiving week. I can't recall snow ever happening this early. This is one strange year of weather. I suppose that's what happens during a change in climate.

  3. omcat that last picture is amazing! I love it and the fact that Molly knows where her catnip lives and where it's warm and dry. LeeAnna

    1. Molly and I say thank you, LeeAnna. Molly also says, "I wish Missus Lady would plant catnip."

  4. Just as well Miss Molly didn't stay out there too long because think of the work she'd have to do drying off those gorgeous tail-feathers! :)

  5. Su-sieemac - the weather sure has been wild, hasn't it? Wind, wind and more wind. No surprise Miss Molly had second thoughts about going out. Adorable. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, my friend!

    1. She just won't listen when we tell her she won't like it outside. She has to learn by herself, every time.

  6. Nice muzzle. :) Cats are wild deep inside after all... Roarrrr!!
    P.S.: Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a nice rest of week.

  7. All good by golly. I'm curious about that little blue truck.

    1. It ferries the fairies across the wild expanse of cement.

  8. I doubt she'd go far in inclement weather. Glad she didn't wander off.

    1. Maybe in her younger days, she might've tried seeing where Midnight went.

  9. ...I often wonder what goes on in their little minds!

    1. Molly talks to us a lot more. I read that cats don't miao at each other the way they do with humans.

  10. Haaa, I love your writing style and of course your muse. Dexter thought he was tough going out in the apartment hallway, but then again this neighborhood isn't what it used to be so maybe he had good reason. I've had some scary mouse encounters lately and would very much be interested in hiring her services. I'm pretty sure I heard another one in the fireplace last night at 3:30 am and nope did not really get back to sleep after that. Accchhhh, I'm going to have to go in there to check the trap. Yuuuuucccckkkkkk.


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