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A Sunday Drive in November

Yesterday afternoon, the Husband and I safely exited the highway onto a road that led us briefly through a magical eucalyptus forest.

We zigged and zagged up hill and down dale along vaguely familiar roads to a small town where an artisan's holiday fair was happening. Shall we turn left or right? One way or the other we'd find our destination. We could've taken the direct route. But, where's the fun in that?

We wouldn't have come across two young deer quietly and delicately making their way up a hillside. It was almost like they were holding their breath as they walked. Were they afraid we would see them?

The Husband stopped the car and opened his window so I could quickly take a photo of the young deer. It wasn't until I was fiddling with this photo that I noticed a creature in the brush above him. At first I thought it was a bobcat or a coyote. Would the deer have gone so slowly if it was either creature?  It turned out it was another deer.

I'm glad the Husband and I went out into the world yesterday.

Today, I'm linking up with All Seasons and Our World Tuesday. I hope you check both memes out.  Peace and joy to you all.


  1. Great photos. I love pics of deer and yours is great.

  2. I love Sunday drives! We take them all the time. Nice photo!

    1. Thanks, Susan. Now that we can, the Husband and I need to take more Sunday drives on other days.

  3. Great catch! They can be so quick in running away.

  4. Replies
    1. The road sure was. The whole tree-lined road was a mile, more or less.

  5. "Magical Eucalyptus Forest" - those words together seem surprising - and the photo slips us into the magic perfectly . . . wowzer.
    Thank you for stopping to get these photos - and for taking time to share with us . . . you so rock!

  6. Such beautiful creatures! Sounds like it was a lovely drive.

  7. Lovely! We see deer unexpectedly here, too. Always a joy!

  8. Yay, glad you caught the deer with your lens! And many thanks for sharing it with ALL SEASONS! Just wrote you a comment from my site, but see it did not travel here, so am going to say it here again. This going to be the first major holiday without your mommma. It may be hard, but give a Thanks for her on Thursday and what she meant to you:)

    1. I've been sadder lately, so I appreciate your compassion,Jesh. I started writing something last night. Maybe I'll share it tomorrow.

  9. This drive looks really pretty...almost as if you went into a fairy tale. I love the deer photo and how you made it look painted.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Our drive felt like a fairy tale. A eucalyptus forest, then green hill sides. The second time we came to a forest, the Husband wondered if we'd gone in circles.

  10. The scenic route is the best was to get anywhere. :)

  11. Su-sieee! Mac, Sunday drives with the one you love are the best. Thanks for sharing.

  12. How exciting to be able to just stop the car and watch the deer.

    1. I think we only came across 2 or 3 vehicles on that drive. Heaven!

  13. Replies
    1. And, it's our own backyard. We can escape within minutes.

  14. Hi! Nice captures. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Lovely drive -- thanks for sharing and also your kind comment on mine. My hands are healing and i can type with left hand and a stylus. And I can walk without falling (so far ;>)... all is well or soon will be.


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