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Showing posts with the label flowers

July 16, 2024

Dear Blog, Mama’s roses continue to reach for the sky. Not as many like it was when they were under her guidance. I keep pruning branches shorter to revive the bushes, hoping they’ll become full again. This year two blooming hollyhocks grace the front yard. It only took seven years of sowing seeds for them to finally take. The first hollyhock to bloom is gorgeous pink and gigantic! Even without its tippy-top pointed straight up, it hovers a bit over the roof line.  This hollyhock is growing where I didn’t toss seeds, surprise, surprise. When it first popped up, I thought it was a volunteer squash plant, then as it grew and grew and grew, a sunflower it must be. I like to think of this hollyhock as the mother plant of future generations of hollyhocks to come. One can hope. Sincerely yours, Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie

Oh, Well.

I did it. Today, I did precisely what I said I will not ever do again, to randomly toss handfuls of wildflower seeds in the yard.  La, la, la may lupine be sparkling all over the front of the house this spring la la la la. Yellow coreopsis, too! 

A Landmark of Sorts

Yesterday was the anniversary of Mama’s Spirit freeing herself to soar into the Universe.  Six years ago it was.  There being things I wanted to be distracted from, I gathered flowers from the yard and took them to the cemetery.  Calendula, freesias, lavender, and pineapple sage. Some for Mama and Daddy, some for the two baby sisters, and some for Uncle Frank, Daddy’s younger brother.  When I set the tin can of flowers on Mama’s and Daddy’s gravesite, I noticed that all the flowers were ones I’ve been growing the past six years. That’s a feat I had no idea I would’ve or could’ve been part of my story.  I like to think Mama noticed, too. About the flowers, that is. 

Cheers, One and All

  Have a wonderful day!

Mama’s Roses

 “Who will take care of the garden when I’m gone?” asked Mama. The Husband assured her that we will. Six years later, her red roses in this particular spot continue to grow. 


 I’ve only come around to wearing the color pink. Mama dressed me up a lot in pink when I was a kid, as well as she’d gift me pink clothes when I was on my own. So, yup, no pink for me. I didn’t care that some people thought it was a good color for me.  I do think pink is a pretty color. It’s a burst of sweetness and light, calm and everything nice.  Happy Thursday!

Saturday Rose

I collected rose hips this winter, with thoughts to plant them and see if they would grow. Silly me thought I could and would remember what color of rose each bag of rose hips are. Oh well. I’m going to plant them anyway. I love surprises.

Jasmine on My Mind

 I’ve always wanted to grow jasmine, and now I have two pots of the sweet scented plant. Did you know it’s part of the olive family? I just learned that. You’ll never know when that fact comes in handy, such as in a game of Jeopardy.   


 I am partial to the color orange these days. According to some people, orange represents joy, enthusiasm, creativity, and all sorts of things positive.  Sounds good to me. When nephew was four or so, he liked to take his stuffed cat with him everywhere. I sometimes frustrated him because I couldn’t understand what he said his friend’s name was. “Owen’s Cat” was what I heard. “No,” he replied. “Owen’s Cat.” Back and forth we went. I couldn’t get it. One day I happened to look closely at nephew’s stuffed cat as he said, “Owen’s Cat.” Oh. The cat was orange. Orange Cat! Auntie Susie was such a duh! These orange and yellow flowers have begun to multiply in the front yard. I like that. I think they’re called pot marigold also known as calendula. 

A Late Bloomer

"You're looking mighty polite and pretty," I said to the clump of Jupiter's Beard. "What gives?" No answer. What would I do if any of the Jupiter's Beard spoke? I did wonder if the Jupiter's Beard was looking nice for the nearby sunflower that's in bloom. Last week or so I pulled out weeds around the sunflower. I'm glad I didn't pull it out. Talk about a late bloomer. I sowed sunflower seeds in this particular part of the yard last Spring. A few sprouted, a couple bloomed. This one stubbornly hung on until it did its thing a few days ago. How cool is that!  There's another, smaller, sunflower growing beside this guy. Also a survivor from last year. Will it bloom? We shall see.  Today, I'm linking up with Mosaic Monday . Check it out here .

Praising Daisies

 ". . . A million tomorrows shall all pass away, 'ere I forget all the joy that is mine, today. . . ."  That's from John Denver's Today .

Daisies, Rosemary, and Jade

I pulled out the camera today. Mama's flowers are still going strong near the front door.

Saliva Rosmarinus

The rosemary in the front yard is in bloom. Delightful! This is the second winter that I've noticed the rosemary plants in full flower. If I'm remembering correctly, the plants didn't bloom in the winter when they were under Mama's care. I wonder if I've thrown their blooming cycle out of whack because I don't trim nor prune them as often or as short as Mama did. Not that it matters. The rosemary plants can bloom anytime they want. The bees and hummingbirds are enjoying the flowers as much as we are.  Hello Mosaic Monday !  

Love Makes the World Go Round

  “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”  ~ Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Good cheer, Friends, One and All!   It's time for Mosaic Monday . Thanks to hostess Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf .

New Things Tried

 Sweet Pea Song, my computer, is whining loudly. She's quite hot to the touch. At least we're not in Death Valley right now. Weather experts say it's 130 Fahrenheit. Ouch! In our neck of the woods, the temperature has inched up to 102 Fahrenheit. Seven degrees less than yesterday's high point. Hopefully, that's the highest it gets around here for the rest of the year. Tomorrow, the temperatures ought to start dipping  into the 90s and  stay that way for the rest of the week. Yippiee! The heat has kept me indoors. So, I've been playing with new things. Embroidering (kinda), for one. I drew an elephant on what was once the bodice of Mama's dress and outlined it in green backstitches and regular stitches.  This is my first piece since I was 9 or 10. I finally have the patience and attention span to keep on practicing hand and embroidery stitches. So I think. Back in February, I bought a set of watercolor paints. On Saturday evening I started playing with them....

A Roar of a Morning Glory

I read that morning glory blooms last one day, hence the sweet flower's name. Well, then, I shall stop complaining about how quickly the new kind of morning glory I sowed this year fades away. Isn't it gorgeous, oh so frilly pretty in pink?  By the way, do you see a face in the morning glory? I see a couple.  In the above color photo, when I focus on the slit,  which looks like an eye, I see a lion's face.  Now, in the black and white photo below, I see a profile of a face looking to the left in that bottom petal. Anyone else see a chin and mouth?   Do you see faces in flowers, clouds, trees, and other objects? There's a name for that ability. It's called pareidolia. There are times when I'd rather not see faces in things, especially when they're spooky.  I'm sharing with Mosaic Monday today. Yes, I know it's Tuesday. :-)  

Summer Joy

Beep, beep. It's summer. Be safe, Friends. Keep your humor. Over to All Seasons I go. Come along, should you please. Beep, beep.


I was sitting in front of the computer about to start today's post when I heard it.   Pop! Huh? I looked over to the left where the sound came. What do ya know? A California poppy pod makes a sound when it opens. Pop! And, the seeds go all over the place. Yesterday, I harvested a pocketful of poppy pods and left them all on a small oval plate on top of the radio.  The poppy pod that popped was not on the plate.  Did the pod jump off the plate as it opened? So it seems. That's my story for today. Much more interesting than I was about to write. Pop! I wonder if that's how poppies got their name. All Seasons is where I'm heading now. The meme is hosted by Jesh at The Jesh Studio . Come join me if you like.

Pop Go the Roses!

All of a sudden, Mama's roses are in bloom. Pop! Pop! Pop! I heeded the experts and hacked away at most of the rose bushes when it was pruning time. Mama liked to let them grow tall. So do I. It's just that the roses got to looking wimpy and straggly and all things not good. Pop, pop, pop. Pop! About two years ago, I transplanted this orange rose bush from the other side of the backyard. The butterfly bush had a way of hiding it away from the sun during the summer.  This year it looks so much happier than last year. Pop. Pop! Pop. It's time for Mosaic Monday . Click here to check out photo collages by other bloggers. Take care out there! Pop. Pop. Pop.


"Why are you cleaning? "asked Molly the pinky-nose (wild) Cat, as she scrambled among our feet, the broom, and the vacuum cleaner. "Are we having another party?" Nope, it's the 23rd, our monthly housecleaning date, a 2020 venture. So far, so good. With the Husband and I working together, we're done in a couple of hours. So it seemed today. Sweep. Dust. Vacuum. Scrub. Molly made sure she was somewhere else. This is what you see when you walk up our driveway. Sorry, I don't remember the names of anything that's not a rose, daisy, spider plant, California poppy, canna lily, jade, or uhm, I think that's it. Geranium! How I can forget geraniums? We have pink, white, red, bi-color, vine, bush, smelly, and not smelly at all. They live in the front yard, too. They're up towards the house so you can barely see them in the photo. I have a decent success rate of propagating geraniums for someone who goes on intuition and by hit-and-miss. ...