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A Roar of a Morning Glory

I read that morning glory blooms last one day, hence the sweet flower's name. Well, then, I shall stop complaining about how quickly the new kind of morning glory I sowed this year fades away. Isn't it gorgeous, oh so frilly pretty in pink? 

By the way, do you see a face in the morning glory? I see a couple. 

In the above color photo, when I focus on the slit,  which looks like an eye, I see a lion's face. 

Now, in the black and white photo below, I see a profile of a face looking to the left in that bottom petal. Anyone else see a chin and mouth?  

Do you see faces in flowers, clouds, trees, and other objects? There's a name for that ability. It's called pareidolia. There are times when I'd rather not see faces in things, especially when they're spooky. 

I'm sharing with Mosaic Monday today. Yes, I know it's Tuesday. :-)



  1. Su-sieee-mac! It is no surprise to me that you see faces in things - you are just that sort of wildly imaginative person. I am way too literal for that, sadly. But I can thoroughly enjoy your lovely photos of the morning glory. It certainly seems to be more frilly than the morning glories of my youth! Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!!!

    1. I think I'm a literal person, too. There are times I let the wildebeest out.. Sometimes it gets out on its own. :-) This is the first frilly morning glory I've grown. I hope the seeds will germinate next year.

  2. It been ages to see actual any morning glory.

    1. I've noticed that, too. Fewer people grow morning glory. I suppose it's because the vines can get out of control. That's a look I like myself.

  3. The morning glories photos (more like paintings) are so delicately lovely and the faces are fine (I saw the black and white one immediately, but kind of had to stretch for the other one and definitely wouldn’t have seen it without your hint.). But when I first learned the word pareidola (not too many years ago) I remembered the faces I saw in wallpaper flowers when I was a child. Those were not fine (in my imagination at least). I thought the walls were watching me. ))

    1. Shudder. I'm glad I didn't have wallpaper in the bedroom of my childhood. I thought a ghost lived in my closet. Shudder. To fall asleep, I had to lie on my side in the fetal position, facing away from the closet. I always wanted to fall asleep before I heard a thump on the closet door. Shudder.

  4. Beautiful artwork in your mosaic and you nailed the black and white version as well. :)
    Take care, stay safe.

  5. Hello

    I love the pretty pink morning glory. beautiful mosaic. I do see a mouth and nose in the bottom photo. I am having trouble finding a lion. I see animal shapes in various nature settings, like boulder and tree stumps. Take care, stay safe! Have a great day and week ahead.

  6. ...such glory for my morning, thanks a bunch!

  7. Your morning glories are gorgeous. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  8. There was an episode of some anthology TV show (Amazing Stories, or some such) where the main character had to have everything painted stark white so the faces wouldn't come through. Eventually one did. . .

  9. I love morning glory flowers, so pretty but they don't last long. I don't see a face in these but I normally do in pansies and definitely in clouds.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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