Dive bomb! I wonder what the blue jay saw on the decomposing leaf covered ground, and what was he eating in the leafless persimmon tree. The sun is out. The sky is a clear blue with fluffy white clouds streaming by. The clarity after the storm. This winter we certainly are having our share of storms with floods, landslides, broken levees, fallen trees, and evacuations. Three weeks worth, so far. Fortunately, the Husband and I haven’t had to experience any of that, knock on wood. With all this rain and reports of oversaturated ground, some people probably believe our drought is over. No more need to conserve. We can go crazy with lush lawns, landscaping, and vegetable gardens once again. Nope! Uh-uh. No, siree, Bob, and Nancy. Parts of California, including our area, may be good for water this year, if that, but the drought is far from over. We need it to rain throughout the winter and early spring, gently and kindly, alternating with dry days. M...