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The Year of the Pen

At yesterday's white elephant Christmas exchange, I scored the gorgeous green, multipurpose ballpoint pen that you see in the photo.  Its tip acts as a stylus. Unscrew the stylus cap to reveal a flat screwdriver head, which you can pull from its housing. . .voila, the other end is a Phillips head. Wait, there is more. Along one side of the pen is a ruler that can measure up to seven inches and the equivalent metric units. In the middle of another side, oh my gosh, is a level! Whenever we sit at a crooked table in a restaurant, I can whip out this pen so that we can wedge the right amount of napkin under the table's leg. Ooooooh.

Over the last three months, I have come into possession of—count them in the photo along with me—uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque penne! All free. Heee, heee.

Beneath the multi-purpose green pen is a fountain pen that I discovered in one of the Husband's parents' boxes. Technically, it belongs to the Husband but he doesn't seem to mind that I have claimed it. Maybe he thinks its useless since its inkless. Will he consider otherwise should I ever successfully fill it with ink?

The joyful Thanks red pen came from a Japanese/Korean restaurant we go to occasionally when we are in Watsonville. It's one of the few places in the area where I can get my sashimi and Korean BBQ fix. Yummmm. The waitress wanted to give us a dish of complimentary ice cream because we told her that the credit card invoice was six dollars less than the bill.  Our tummies were full so I asked if I might take the cheerful looking pen instead.

When we paid our property tax bill last month, the clerk handed me that silvery slickness of a pen. She said it was a gift from the retiring county tax collector who wanted to express her appreciation for all the many years of her service. Was it bad of me to wonder if the cost of the pens came out of her own pocket?

The navy blue pen with writing was the first free pen to come home with me. Someone in our doctor's office certainly knows how to choose a decent advertisement pen.  This pen was so handsome I had to pick it up. My gosh, the heft was perfect. I liked the way it held like a fountain pen and scratched like one although the ink rolled out of the nib. "May I have this pen?" I asked the office manager. She was surprised that I just didn't take it.

The green pen shall go into my purse; the doctor's pen shall sit at the kitchen table; the red pen, by my seat in the living room; and the silver pen, outside on my art table. Once the fountain pen works, it shall sit ready to write at my desk, or the Husband's.  Whooo-hooo!

This post was gladly written with the letter Y in mind for ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here. Grazie, ABCW team!

Additionally, this post is being shared at I Like Thursday, hosted by the lovely LA at Not Afraid of Color. Check out that meme here. Grazie, LA!


  1. At one time I collected a few novelty pens that lit up, but they no longer do. I got a silk scarf from Thailand from our "yankee swap."

    1. Oooh, lit up pens! I'm imagining swirls of color when I read silk scarf from Thailand. :-)

  2. Brilliant! Pens are Always Good to have.
    You have honored each and every one . . . .
    Some Kind of Special - YOU Are.

  3. We did ours last night, I got some candy and a $20 regal movies card. The best of the bunch and all on my first guess.

    1. You were lucky nobody "stole" them from you. I might've considered it. :-)

  4. I LOVE pens! I must have a hundred of them... I have one from the National gallery of art, with strands that light up!
    Happy new year!

    1. Ooooh! You're the second to mention pens that light up. I've got to find one for the Husband. He's into flashlights the way I'm into pens. lol

  5. Oh how fun ~ a lovely collection of pens with their unique story besides ~ Delightful post ~ enjoy those sweet pens ~

    Happy New Year to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Love the pens. There's something about different kinds of pens. I used to have quite the collection. They're fun to acquire.

    1. A few months ago we bought two boxes of cheap pens, one box with medium point, the other, fine point. I thought I preferred fine point. I was wrong, so I'm very glad these pens came into my possession.

  7. It's been years since I've handled a fountain pen. How nice.

    1. Me, too. I loved how the ink stained my hands. The Mama didn't.

  8. What a stash! . . . there's nothing like a well balanced pen. I have several! :)

    1. As I grow older, I like pens that have girth to 'em. Kind of like those big fat pencils we used in first grade.

  9. I don;t write anymore with a pen / by hand but I do wish you lots of fun with your newbies

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  10. Hi Happy New Year and May I go to your white elephant exchange next year. Because I have never gotten anything that cool! Love your whole collection of special pens. My free ones are all from motels where we stay sometimes.

    1. You certainly may, Sallie. Much later a prism came out, the kind that would've made awesome rainbows if hung at a window. That would've been a tough choice for me if both that and the pen came out before my turn.

  11. Happy New Year to you. I also love pen (in fact most stationaries -- pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, notebook, you name them, the old-world stuff because I am sure people growing up now will only use tablets and phones and other such fancy electronics as their stationaries). And, those pen are gorgeous.

    1. Stationery stores of once upon a time were heaven to me. Right up there with bookshops, fabric stores, and now art stores.

  12. Dang, woman, I've half a mind (I shud stop there) to reignite the going through of dad's stuff cuz I know he had some funky pens in his many, many (many) belongings. I remember ones that were bent with some corny ad like, "We bend over backwards for you." At one point he was selling advertising gadgets like pens and rulers and letter openers (which I have peppered all over the living room), I swear the ol' man could not sit still.
    That green pen is a wonder. Does the red pen say, "Thanks for stealing this pen?"

    1. That red pen says something more like Thanks for knowing a good thing! lol I'm in awe that your dad sold stationery stuff and that you still have some. How fun! Did you go through his stuff after writing, you lucky gal.

  13. An ode to the pen! There are pens and pens, some are fabulous, and some are useless. We've accumulated a few along the way too. I always have a stash in my handbag, but I must learn to through them out when they don't work anymore! Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, peaceful and fabulous 2019.

    1. Thanks, Jill. The same to you. I'm getting better at throwing out pens that only have ghost ink. The Husband? He'll get there with a bit more encouragement.

  14. Love the green pen. And am sad to think how little use my own pens get these days. It is all technology now. Happy 2019.

    1. The green pen got a nice work out today. And, when it was done, I made sure it safely found itself back in my purse. Cheers, Amalia.

  15. O pens. I love your green one. I used to have a big stash, but they are swindling now.
    I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Happy New Year!

    1. The days celebrating both were awesome, Dixie. Hope likewise.

  16. I love lots of pens, pencils and markers! Makes me feel creative just organizing them! Happy new year!

  17. Pens are always needed!
    Happy New Year to you.

  18. A pen with a screwdriver! Now that's clever!

    1. Don't forget the level in the middle of it. The guy who gifted the pen was surprised a woman would like it so much. lol


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