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Another Union of Nothingness From Molly & Me

Here we are again, Molly the Cat and I, uniting for another post.

Missus Lady asked, "What shall we write about today, Molly?"

I flicked my tail.

"Aren't you coming up with me?" She slowly climbed up the second set of steps to the upstairs landing.

I flicked my tail.

"Then I'm just posting photos."

I flicked my tail.

That Missy Girl! I appreciate her escorting me up to the first landing. I have no idea where she decided to snooze. Zzzzzzzz, I feel like my head has taken a snooze. It's what happens after I play several rounds of an online word scramble game or do an online jigsaw puzzle or two. Yup, I'm back to doing the puzzles. Two months ago, I swore off doing online puzzles because my fingers locked in Spock's "Live long and prosper" sign. So far, my fingers have been okey-dokey. Knock on wood.

I've been having a slow time getting back into blogging, or any kind of writing project, for that matter, after my few weeks off. Maybe if I played fewer games. It's a thought.

While I was on hiatus, I had a blast playing with paints and glues. Once the Husband even joined me at the Work Table to make wind chimes out of keys. The wire was too thick for the keys too sing in a breeze or even gentle wind, so he'll redo his chimes another day. I'll be sure to show you when he's done.

As for me, I sketched and colored imaginary beings on paper. I painted various sizes of dishes, rocks, and flower pots, all for the garden. I also decoupaged a book shelf with pages from old children and young adult books. That was my first try at decoupaging. For my next project, I want to cover a wall in the front hallway with cards, notes, and letters that we've received from friends and family over the years. How cool would that be?

Last Tuesday, we had our first rain since March or April. Hurrah! The next day was gorgeous. Oh my gosh, we saw the mountains and blue skies again. The rain washed nearly all of the smoke and contaminants from the devastating Camp Fire (over 240 miles north of us) out of our air. Our air quality went from unhealthy to moderate in 24 hours.

It rained again during the late night/early morning hours, making Thanksgiving Day an amazingly beautiful day. That's how it looked for us in the above photo. Thank you, Mother Earth!

5. When did the period become a standard punctuation thing?

6. Who decided what makes up a complete sentence?

7. Will we ever find an old tin can of money buried in the backyard?

This weekend I was looking for Molly in the backyard when I realized by golly, autumn was in our backyard. I mention it because a few weeks ago I was whining about not having been anywhere to see the Fall colors.

I'm quite fortunate. As are the Husband and Molly, the Missy Girl.

This time, Molly and I are linking up to four memes—All Seasons, Mosaic Monday Our World Tuesday, and ABC Wednesday. Please check them out. Thank you, Kind Hosts!


  1. So glad to see you on Mosaic Monday again, my friend! That sky shot is stunning - having dealt with smoke the last 2 summers, I can vouch for how much one misses blue skies when they have been shrouded for so long. Hey, watch out playing with glue - it could explain your fuzzy head! LOL. Great autumn mosaic - have a super week!

    1. Thanks, Angie. I'm hooked on creating mosaic photos now. It's competing for my attention with sewing on inside days. My sewing projects are generally crazy patching so it makes sense that I would fall for patching photos together. lol

  2. It's amazing that sheer boredom doesn't drive cats wild.

    1. Maybe it does. Every so often, Molly suddenly races in a zig zag manner through the house. And, sometimes she bounds up the stairs, pounding the steps as if she was an elephant.

  3. Enjoyed the funny take on day to day life!

  4. first of all, I just love Molly. Second, think about decoupaging the wall. Maybe a fake wall you can stick on the other one. When you go to sell, all your memories are there, and no one will want the work of taking it off again. They make really thin wall board you could use maybe... the idea is awesome! I remember when the mountains showed up here like they came in on a train. The smoke from all the fires all summer west of us cleared finally and boing! Smoke is a hazard.

    1. Molly says, Purrrrrrrrrrrr.
      I'm glad you brought that up, LA, about the wall. Whoever comes after us will gripe enough about the yards with all that garden art and wildness. I'll check out wall boards. If I can't find a thin piece, I could put up butcher paper or even wrapping paper, though I wonder if that might create soggy decoupage. Only way to find out is to experiment.
      I didn't think about the California fires going beyond the Sierras. Glad to hear it's clear there now.

  5. Such a cute post. I so enjoyed reading it.
    Lovely decoupage projects. Oh yeah -- there's a lot of creativity left. :)

    I would love to see the key-chimes. :)

    1. Thanks, Dee! We still haven't got any kind of thin wire for the chimes. Maybe a stop at the bait shop is in order today.

  6. I get sucked into my games, too. Now I only have them on my phone. It helps with keeping computer things doing when I'm on the computer. Although, I will lie in bed for hours in the morning playing card games. It's nice, but there comes a point when I need to get up.

    1. I'm glad to know someone else can get obsessed with online games. lol

  7. What a lot of wonderful goings on's' . . . perhaps the husband could affix some streamers to the bottom of his keys? . . . Miss Molly's tail is so expressive. :)

    1. Streamers! i like that idea. I might try them on my key chimes. Yup, Missy Girl's tail had a wonderful way of telling us what's what.

  8. All I can think about is "peek-a-boo" for that first shot. I'd follow her too. I like the decoupage book case, if that's what it is. And did you know that standardized spelling wasn't even a thing until sometime in the late 1800's or so.

    1. Bookcase is what it is, Colleen. I keep calling it a book shelf and when I do, I think there's something odd about that word. Bookcases are still rarities for me.
      I wonder if standardized spelling came with the start of mass public education in the U. S., which I think was the late 1800s.

  9. Love MIss Molly and her observations with a flicking tail. Cute creative paint work, I like the idea of using children's books for decoupage too.

    1. When I started the project, I thought one book would do it. Nope. Then I thought two books. Nope. We have another bookcase that could use an uplifting. For that one, I'm considering decoupaging fabric strips.

  10. What a nice post, Molly! ;)
    The sky looks glorious...hope you had a good Thanksgiving Day!

  11. Like a good and loyal friend, one can never have enough of

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. That's Molly the Cat and me, along with the Husband.

  12. A letter wall sounds like a fun thing! I had friends who let people graffiti on one of their walls and it was always an interesting read. I can see how the key wind chime would be worth persevering with, will wait with interest to see the final version!
    Wren x

    1. I love the graffiti wall idea, too. Maybe we'll do that in the other hallway. Oh, gosh, there's so much to be had!

  13. Love all your craft ideas - the wall of cards sounds like a fabulous idea! Molly is a good sport to collaborate with you on your blog post!

  14. Looks like exciting projects going on full of creative ideas. I think a wall covered with cards and letters. Is unique and fun. The fallen colored leaves are beautiful in the mosaic. I smiled to see the neatly scattered leaves on the right side of the mosaic.


    1. Thanks, Yoko. You're right, the scattered leaves look quite neat. I think neater than I could do. lol

  15. Su-sieee,

    Anytime you're doing what you love then blogging can wait. :) I think we get too caught up in Cyberville to enjoy our passions sometimes. I realize that blogging is also passion for us but there are other things equally important. Technical has a way of pushing those things to the back burner or at least it does with me. I'm trying to do divide my time appropriately to enjoy every aspect of my life instead of tending to social media sites. Thanks for sharing your creative fun and I got a kick out of your and Molly's ponders. Now, you got me wondering these things, too. Do I dare ask Google? :) Have a good day and enjoy the lovely weather. It's so chilly here in the east.

    1. Now with Google we really have no excuse for not finding out our ponderings. Sometimes wondering is much more satisfying than finding the answer.

  16. Molly looks so sweet! I can identify with your love and games and jigsaw puzzles. I prefer the real-life puzzles. I stayed up too late last night trying to find one more piece -- ha ha! My library has a puzzle exchange so I can get piles of them free.. So fun!

    1. A free puzzle exchange, neat! I begun a real-life puzzle in August, putting it away in October because I was running out of table space and needed it for our party. hahaha. But, I'll have a puzzle table yet in this house.

  17. Creative photo of Molly ~ love the eye ^_^ And what a post filled with creativity ~ LOve it!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I always like your questions...something to ponder on!! heehee! Love that you are so creative too. I am creative and want to make something, sew or do a little art every day! Enjoy your afternoon! LOVE the leaves!

    1. I find myself becoming grumpy if I haven't done anything creative of some sort after a couple of days. Hoping that's a good thing.

  19. ooooh, those leaves are Awesome Art . . . . Autumn is Splendid in Your Yard.

    1. It gets more splendid each day. A total symphony!

  20. Oh yeah, please tell me more about the can of money.

    1. Our house in this neighborhood sits either on the edge of either the once chicken farm or the once walnut orchard. I figure, since I read so many stories about it as a kid, one of the farmers had their savings bank in a can in a hole they forgot to tell their heirs.

    2. Do you ever see stray walnuts (or chickens)?

  21. Hey, what happened to my long comment ramble? Was the Neil Simon/Aristophanes thing just too much?

    1. Oh, Man! Lost in Virtual Hell, no doubt. It must've been a grand ramble. I know both guys. Ribbit, ribbit. I hate when comments get lost. It has happened to me on my own blog. Sorry, Jeanna. Anything from you too much, probably for some. Not me. Neil Simon and Aristophanes, what a combo.

  22. Haaa, lost in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Not sure I can pick up that thin, frayed thread of thought...something about Aristophanes being credited with punctuation but not the Aristophanes and another wishIcoulddraw moment with Richard Dreyfus dressed as the Roman playwright telling a toga clad Marsha Mason how much he hates the panties on the curtain rod. Something like that, anyway. I'm full of potatoes and sleepy.

    1. Wowza! It sounds like a Mad Magazine bit. Is there still Mad Magazine?

  23. Well, this is a delightful blog! So glad you commented on mine, so I could repay that favor.

    My cat is Nora, and she talks all day long. I tell my husband about her thoughts in a little squeany cat voice, a la, "I bin sittin by my Magic Vent where hot stuff comes out it makes me all purry and looooove my daddy and mommy gimme food."

    All in one breath. Impressive, no? hee hee

    That idea about making wind chimes out of keys is PERFECT recycling. Once Wisconsin winter is done and I can feel my fingers again, I may give that a try. Thanks. You made my day! Amy

    1. Thank you, Amy! Quite impressive. Both the Husband and I voice Molly's thoughts which, of course, she zaps into our brains. :-)


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