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Rambling Away #65,123,982

This morning at the end of breakfast my fingers locked into a Vulcan salute, and I wasn't even trying to make one.  "Look," I said to the Husband who was intently bent over his iPad.

"Wait, I'm watching this video." I constantly interrupt the Husband while he's in the middle of reading or watching a video online. Sorry, Dude.

My fingers weren't moving. Now what? Gah. That got me thinking about what kind of Medicare Advantage plan to get. I think I'm in good health for being a life-time fatty. Poor Mama, the doctor pulled out 21-inches long and over eight pounds me, cesarean style. That must've been awfully scary for her.

Baby Sister (who lived two years) and I were cesareans. Older Brother was a natural birth in a jungle in the Philippines. Just kidding about the jungle, though I would love to claim being born in a jungle. I don't know whether Oldest Girl was a cesarean, too. Valentina, the sister who died on the day she was born, February 14, was Mama's second child. There is a birth certificate for Valentina so she must have been full term. It may also be why Mama went with cesarean for later births. Poor Mama.

Back to my frozen fingers that were locked for 15 seconds, more or less. "What did you want to show me?" asked the Husband. I told him what happened. I showed him how they looked. "What do you think it means?"

"Live long and prosper." That is another reason why I love the Husband.

"Do you want to look it up?"

"No, I'll do it when I got to the computer."

Hours later I remembered about the Vulcan salute and found a condition called trigger finger on the webMD site . One of the causes is inflammation due to keeping fingers in the same position while repeatedly doing an activity constantly.

Ha! I immediately knew the cause.

I've been doing online jigsaw puzzles nearly every day for the past few months. Usually two consecutive puzzles with 180 to 220 pieces at a sitting. Sometimes, three. Occasionally, four or more.  My fingers naturally position themselves into a Vulcan salute on the mouse. I've been wondering why my right hand has been feeling somewhat stiff lately. Ha!

No more online jigsaw puzzles for me the rest of the year.


  1. Such Stunning Pictures . . . . Live Long and Prosper!

  2. Or you could try holding the mouse a different way. Just a thought.

    As for "being a life-time fatty", an article:

    (I'm on a quest to distigmatize larger people.)

    1. Mouse holding -- another thing for me to mindful about. Thanks for the link, Liz. An interesting article. I found myself wanting to eat towards the end of the article. Reading about the doctor shaming most likely triggered a stress button in me. If that was done to me while I was under last year, I don't want to know. It would just piss me off no end if it did.

  3. My husband got his medicare book for 2019
    Coffee is on

  4. Lovely . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  5. RIP planet vulcan 4+BYA-2258

    Never forget

  6. Inceed poor Mama ! I had a ceserian too, I was the last one to see my son, I only woke up the next morning. So I gave birth but don't know how ! Which is good. One child was enough for me. Good that your finger was nothing serious.

    1. Until I wrote about it yesterday, I realized I didn't know how a cesarean is done. I can still see Mama's scars in my mind. They looked so dark and deep. Poor Mama.

  7. Bill does jigsaw puzzles on line as well -- don't know whether I should tell him about your post or not. I guess if they have to freeze, that's not the worst formation fingers could be in. (But seriously folks, hope it doesn't happen again... Hand surgery is not fun ... one of our sons has gone through it twice). Your Mama was a hero to come through all she did and be the person she was.

    1. There could be worse formations for the fingers to freeze in. lol I already missing doing the puzzles. Maybe it's time for us to rearrange furniture so we can do regular puzzles.
      I so agree with you Sallie about the Mama. Thanks for saying that.

  8. Those are pretty images, are they photos or paintings? I had to Spock it up when I read this and oddly the right fingers gave me a bit of a fuss but the left ones were like, "Nerd."
    You know what, the right index and middle fingers are used a lot for the MacBook, hmm.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna. They're photos dipped in Photoshop art filters. I don't have that problem right now with the right fingers. Lately, both the Husband and I finally get what our parents telling us to never get old. We've got to laugh, better than crying. :-)

  9. I found that the trick with 'mousing' is to relax your grip every now and then . . . when I play games I get so caught up in them it takes me a while to figure out why my hand/forearm/fingers are screaming at me.. :) . . . also, maybe think about giving a vertical mouse a try.

    1. Vertical mouse looks like you grip like a joy stick. My grip is bad, too. Sigh.

  10. Thatb happens to me but usually when I am holding something heavy with my fingers. When I place it down on the counter to pay for it my fingers are locked for quite a while. Your poor mom...that must have been devastating.

    1. Sometimes my whole hand goes numb when I've been holding something heavy in it for longer than I should. Sometimes not even then. Silly getting-older stuff.


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