I read that morning glory blooms last one day, hence the sweet flower's name. Well, then, I shall stop complaining about how quickly the new kind of morning glory I sowed this year fades away. Isn't it gorgeous, oh so frilly pretty in pink? By the way, do you see a face in the morning glory? I see a couple. In the above color photo, when I focus on the slit, which looks like an eye, I see a lion's face. Now, in the black and white photo below, I see a profile of a face looking to the left in that bottom petal. Anyone else see a chin and mouth? Do you see faces in flowers, clouds, trees, and other objects? There's a name for that ability. It's called pareidolia. There are times when I'd rather not see faces in things, especially when they're spooky. I'm sharing with Mosaic Monday today. Yes, I know it's Tuesday. :-)