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The Good Life

"Summertime and the livin' is easy. . ."

So it was, at least, yesterday.

We watched a Mama turkey and her two babies amble through a hole in a fence. Not ours, though I wouldn't have minded.

A deer stood still in the middle of the country lane we traveled. 

We sipped a sappy margarita that I concocted out of tequila, triple sec, lemonade, and guava juice. It tasted like cough syrup but we drank it anyway. Next time, I'll leave out the triple sec and lemonade and maybe I'll come up with a guava margarita.

We sat outside in the late eve, the Husband, Missy Molly, and I. What pleasure! The Husband plucked a ripe apricot off the tree for us to share. Deep in flavor, the kind that makes your tummy sparkle and you sigh into a smile. 

Figs! Charlie, short for Charlotte, has borne fruit, at least six of them! That's a first for the "Little Miss Figgy" dwarf tree that friends gave us in 2018.

Bean vines are twirling their way up and along strings and sticks. Yes, the ladder in our yard has been made into a trellis. I can imagine Mama rolling her eyes while Daddy chuckles.

And, when we go out into the world, we wear our masks. Be safe out there, Friends. Stay strong and keep your humor.

Up for more blogs to check out? Head over to All Seasons and Mosaic Monday.


  1. Sounds like a peaceful day. Nice mask.

    1. It was, Liz. Thank you. This was the last, and best, mask I've made. Even inserted a pipe cleaner for the nose thingy.. Trying to get myself motivated to make more masks. I even washed a bunch of fabric.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day! Keep staying safe and having fun! :)

  3. We HAVE to have a sense of humor, don't we? Love the mask and the ripe apricot sounds delicious! It's fun to try new recipes for drinks too.....guess we should sip after each addition! I'd be drunk though before I finished mixing! heeheehee!

    1. I'd be a sad case without my humor intact, most definitely.

  4. Those glasses are a good idea. I want to climb that ladder and get me some fruit.

  5. Hello and hope you are well! Love that the turkeys were around and love that deer.. in native teachings it means to be gentle with oneself. I think I would keep the lemon and get rid of the guava.. maybe you need to make a COVID19 margarita

    1. Hi Birgit! "To be gentle with oneself." It took me awhile to get here. So it seemed. The next day I mixed lemonade and tequila. That was a good combo.

  6. Good morning... It's time for walking through Bloggerland. Visiting each other.

    I would share the blue hour with you, with this delicate drink.. ... thank you for sharing.

    Stay healthy and well.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  7. What a perfect day you had. Many more to come I am sure

  8. Sounds like a lovely day. I would love to have a mango tree. Can't wait for the season to start over here.

    1. I'd like a mango tree, too. We don't have the climate to grow one, but I'm not going to let that stop me from planting the seed of the mango we had yesterday. I never know.

  9. Mmm... your drive and your relaxing time in your yard sound perfect (well maybe a little less sugary in the margarita, but I could live with whatever anyone made for me). Summer, yay! (It really hasn’t quite arrived here north of your border yet... we are still needing heat in the mornings most days, but I have hope for someday soon).’s still masks for us too anytime we step out of our door.

    1. Hurrah for summer! Cherries, blueberries, apricots, yum. And, soon the Asian pears, then after that the apples and persimmons. Mama still feeds us with her trees.

  10. Su-sieeemac - I like the treatment of the deer picture to make a fascinating collage. And I can almost taste that apricot! The next time you're having margaritas, I expect an invitation! (smile). Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Thanks, Angie. I thought I'd try doing something different this time. The apricots are sweet and rich this year. The birds have been pigging out on them. Once one half is gobbled, the other half falls to the ground. I tell them to leave the lower branches for us, but do they listen?

  11. A fig tree, how special! Your garden sounds like a place of abundance:) Apricots, yum, and hopefully next time you have more success with a drink that does not taste like cough syrup (had to laugh when I read that:)) This is one of the very few masks I like? Around here no one wears a mask, only if they need it for their job, when visiting people. Someone came to pick up a sideboard we had on Craigs list, and he came from the Bay area. He was so surprised, "No one wears a mask here!"
    Thank you for wishing me an easy move.. It will be much less stress than last time when we hired a company.. It took them forever, broke several things, and 60 boxes were missing. Only 13 recovered!

    1. We mostly go out for food shopping, which isn't often, so wearing masks for a short while isn't a big deal for us. :-)
      I hope the movers compensated you for the lost boxes and broken things. That's horrible.

  12. We are so used to wearing masks now! My wife made two for me so that I bring one in from the car to be washed and take the other out. Two days ago I went to the store and realized I hadn't placed the clean on in the car. I felt naked!!

    1. Once the Husband didn't bring his mask and he needed to come into the bank to sign something. I ripped apart a tee-shirt rag in the back seat and managed to turn it into a mask that was more secure than mine. haha

  13. Neat deer image! We always wear masks to go into stores. I've been surprised at how many people do not, especially in Walmart. So I don't go there but sometimes my husband dashes in to get one or two things that the other stores don't have.

    1. I haven't been to the store since our governor declared it mandatory to wear a mask throughout the state. Some people don't like that at all. They think their "civil liberties" are being taken away. A few of them say that they are not responsible for anyone's health but their own. it takes all kinds, I suppose.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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