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Little Old Lady, Me. :-)

I felt like an old lady as I climbed the stairs a few hours ago. Old lady, pooped, that is, because of my busy morning playing in the yard, starting with a new plant called Kangaroo Paw. Don't you just love that name, Kangaroo Paw? The Husband and I bought it yesterday, along with Jupiter's Beard, Sedum Album, and Wonga-Wonga Vine.

Don't those names simply appeal to your silliness?  Jupiter's Beard. Kangaroo Paw. Sedum Album. Wonga-Wonga Vine.  They ought to be featured in a poem or song. Anyone want to try?

I'm being distracted by what's coming out of the Husband's computer: the King Earl Boogie Band performing "... I've got my Plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car..."  The Mama kept a plastic Jesus-on-the cross on Eliza Do-alot's dashboard, which we think still rests in Eliza's glove compartment.

Drats. Where was I? We're supposed to have a few more days of rain, starting tomorrow, which is why I spent the morning finding homes for the Kangaroo Paw and cuttings from a geranium, yellow daisy, and a purple-white daisy. Like the plants, I enjoyed feeling the sun bubbles.

I missed my chance to hang out in the front yard again. Miaooooo.

Missus Lady closed the front door while I was waiting for Hero Man to give me the second half of my breakfast. If only, they'd let me have my breakfast all at once. Miao.

My humans have this bizarre routine for my first meal of the day: They parcel out a spoonful of food they call first bite; a minute or so later, the first half of my meal; and when I've polished that off, the second half. They say this keeps me from throwing up. Miaoo. Don't all cats who live with humans do that?

When Missus Lady finally came inside, she put chicken wings in the toaster oven before going upstairs. She said that I can have a wing when they're done. Purrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday we had to do errands which meant changing into going-out clothes, but I didn't feel like it. The Husband changed to appropriate cold and rainy wear, while I shrugged into my fancy la-di-dah canvaslike garden smock to hide my orange shorts and purple sweatshirt. I also plopped a chartreuse hat on my head and stuck my feet into hiking boots.

Yup, I looked just like that old lady in the drawing up there.

8.  Did Lewis Carroll write Alice in Wonderland for children or disguised it for adults? Carroll has an imagination that I think people may just approach if they were on hallucinogenics. I've read that Carroll's characters and situations are based on the political and socioeconomic climate of his time. The Husband told me that the Mad Hatter used mercury to make hats. Hmmm.

9. Where shall the Wonga-Wonga vine go in the backyard?

Soma at Whims & Fancies shared her sketch of a downpour the other day. I love how she showed happy rain in her painting. She generously told me to use white paint or pen for rain. I haven't tried it yet, but the other day I managed to capture the rain with my camera. Whooo-hooo!

Here are the memes I'm hanging out at. I hope you'll check them out, may be you'll want to join in, too.  Thank you all, Kind Hosts!



  1. If it rain now it would more likely be snow.
    Coffee is on

    1. Brrr. It would be nice if we got snow on the surrounding mountains this winter.

  2. Hey little old lady - only you could find plants with names like that!!! I am sure Mama is thrilled. While my vagabond look has not approached your levels, I have definitely noticed that my 'standards' are changing now that I am retired and that we live in a remote place and can go days without seeing a soul …. Lewis Carroll? I have read he was on drugs while writing Alice … but in any event, I think there is a lot of symbolism for child and adult alike! Thanks for joining Mosaic Monday, and scritches to Molly!

    1. The Mama would've loved the Kangaroo Paw for sure. I managed to break apart the plant into 5 clumps and several small individual pieces. Let's see what takes.

  3. Wonga wonga is a fun name! Yes, hatters used mercury at that time and some of them suffered from mercury toxicity. Lewis Carroll is still controversial and is often judged harshly by today's standards instead of the culture of his time. I've seen some of his photographic work and found it shocking (child nudity?!) but then you can read on Wikipedia that that was considering high art in that era. So I guess we should just appreciate the book for its value as a great story.

    1. I'm with you, Linda. Enjoy the stories as they are. I suppose one of these years we'll start seeing movies about Carroll's life, which I can skip. Recently the author of the day in movies was Milne, before that Dickens and James Barrie. Of course, we get a Jane Austen movie every few years. Those are often fun to watch.

  4. A lovely garden and such fun names!

    1. Thanks, Lady Fi. Once upon a time I thought it would be fun to have the job that made up street names. Vying with that now is the job that comes up with common names for plants.

  5. Wow what a stunning garden lots to see and admire,hole you have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks, Sheryl. That's a segment of the front yard.

  6. Hope the kangaroo paw flourishes, we have a few inour garden, they are a great plant. Beautiful garden photos.

    1. Thanks, kiwikid. I read that either butterflies and/or hummingbirds like kangaroo paw. My aim is to have a haven for those guys, bees, birds, and beneficial insects. Also for Molly and us, humans. :-)

  7. Carroll was a strange fellow.

  8. Love the names of your plants, so funny and exotic!

    1. Except for the sedum album, the plants are native to Australia, according to what I've read. I bought them for their ability to adapt to drought conditions. I'm hoping they can flourish in the sunniest part of the front yard during summer.

  9. Hello, the plant names are cute. Now, you have me wishing it was spring time here already.
    Our planting season is over till May. Pretty plants and photos. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

    1. I have no idea when is the right time for doing anything in the yard. By the time I read what's what, the suggested time for planting or pruning or sowing or what has passed. So impatient me shall learn by trial and error. :-)

  10. You may feel old but you play like a girl!

    1. hahaha. Thank you, Colleen. I curtsy to that sentimetn.

  11. Very interesting..
    Happy gardening..
    Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving your kind comment


  12. O I love the names of your new plants. Given such names, I know they will happily grow.
    Can’t wait to see Junipter’s beard and Wonga-Wonga vine.
    Very cute drawing.

    1. The Wonga-wonga vine looked yellow today. I'm wondering if the weather may be too cold for it.

  13. greatest names for plants! or rock bands

  14. Those plants ought to do wonderfully in your yard . . . their kinda climate. :) . . . love Miss Molly's Multiple Munchies. :)

  15. Those are great names for plants. I hope they're as great looking as they are fun sounding.

    I haven't looked at Lewis Carroll the same way since seeing the Great Books episode about Alice in Wonderland. (It's 50 minutes. It'll answer your question, but be warned, I lost all respect for the man.

  16. I love interesting names, too. Sometimes, I make up my own that sound more 'creative'. I call yellowhammer birds 'spanaries' because they look like a combination of a sparrow and canary!
    I have to say that some days, I feel like an old lady, too, although in my head I'm still about 39!

    1. Spanaries, cute! Yellowhammer sounds good too.
      I used to say in my 30s. Just now, I realize 41 is more like it.

  17. What imaginative names making them all the more intriguing. I share the sentiments I see in your delightful drawing at the header ... mostly because I feel about five, too. :)

  18. Love your creative garden and that sweet kitty ~ great rain photo too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol. Molly, whose sitting next to me, says, Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  19. One can only be old if one chooses to feel that way ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  20. Plastic Jesus -= I've heard that before.

  21. I love your old lady picture and your garden looks wonderful. I love the plant names you have there :)

  22. Your kitty is enjoying the sunshine! And apparently likes to eat on time, too!

    1. Molly is very nice about our tardiness and when her prompting doesn't get us to move fast enough for her.

  23. Those are interesting names for plants. They sound like great writing prompts too. :D

    And that is such a lovely, colorful garden you have there. Lucky Molly -- she can bask among those flowers once she's done with the chicken wings. :)

    Have a good weekend, all 3 of you. :)

    1. Thanks, Dee. it looks like a wonderful weekend in the coming. Cheers to yours, too.

  24. Okay, you bought those plants for the names, didn't you?

    1. Kangaroo Paw and Wonga Wonga Vine, most definitely. I've been wanting a Kangaroo Paw for months so I jumped when I saw that it was 60% off. I lucked out with Jupiter's Beard being an awesome name for the butterfly bush.

    2. Jupiter's Beard, that's a good price!

  25. What fun plant names, and how lovely to be out in the sunshine, in between the rain showers.

    1. I hope more rain is on the way. Just checked the weather report. The chances for rain are low for the next several days, a good time for me to toss around wildflower seeds.

  26. I'm still smiling at the image of you going out dressed like that.

  27. Lewis Carroll was undoubtedly smoking something in something like that caterpillar’s hookah... and maybe worse. But he still wrote great books.... I think all the best children’s literature is also written for the grownup reading it to them. (Or re-reading it to themselves. ). .... is there something wrong with dressing like that to go out? It looks like most of us here in Florida!

    1. This town won't know what hit them when I make myself a muu-muu. hahahahah

  28. Molly, did you get a chicken wing? I had to dole out Dexter's food sometimes when he got all urpy. Sometimes a kitty eats too fast I think and we have to make sure they don't get sick.

    1. Purrrrrrrrrr, yes Missus Lady gave me a chicken wing. Parts of it were dry.. Not burned though. Purrrrrrr.

  29. Kangaroo Paw is quite fun for a plant! :)


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