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I was sitting in front of the computer about to start today's post when I heard it.  



I looked over to the left where the sound came.

What do ya know?

A California poppy pod makes a sound when it opens.


And, the seeds go all over the place.

Yesterday, I harvested a pocketful of poppy pods and left them all on a small oval plate on top of the radio.  The poppy pod that popped was not on the plate.  Did the pod jump off the plate as it opened? So it seems.

That's my story for today. Much more interesting than I was about to write.


I wonder if that's how poppies got their name.

All Seasons is where I'm heading now. The meme is hosted by Jesh at The Jesh Studio. Come join me if you like.


  1. Now, That's a Wonderful Thought!!! Thanks. 💙

  2. I did not know that. Must have been a loud pop. I bet that's not how poppies got their name, as that's way too logical. But watch it be the story just to mess with us.

    1. I found out that the word comes from the Old English word "popaeg" translated from the Latin term papaver for the plant. Good old Google.

  3. That is so cute Susie! But for someone who is easily startled, I would have jumped at that popping sound I think! Thank you for sharing this, it's something new to me. I did saw a beautiful vast field of California poppies on a drive with my brothers from LA to San Francisco and they are so colorful! Happy New Week!

    1. Stevenson, well, I didn't mention that I was a bit spooked and hesitated before I looked over at the sound. Another pod popped about 15 minutes ago. The Husband heard it, too. "That's what I heard the other day," he said. I ought to put the pods in a big bowl. I've already picked a bunch of seeds off the floor.
      The poppy fields must've been a sight to behold!

  4. Wow, great discovery! And how serendipitous you were just sitting at the computer. Otherwise you might have forgotten about the whole thing! Yay! more poppies for next year in your yard! I love it! Great for sharing it with All Seasons, and wishing you a great popping week, Jesh

    1. I wonder what kind of sound a big field of popping poppy pods would make. Oh my gosh, wouldn't that be a picture to draw or paint with poppy seeds going this way and that.

  5. Well I never!!! That is amazing! Nature has some surprises along the way doesn't it? Love seeing the beautiful poppies! Happy day my friend!

    1. Mother Earth is something else. I wish everyone would be kinder and nicer to her.

  6. California poppies and lupines were always the sign that spring had arrived when I lived in Southern California. Up in BC we have some that have been planted in gardens. They are always a welcome sight and a remembrance of growing up down south. - Margy

    1. I love the sight of green hills full of oranges and blues. I'm thankful that poppies and lupines like to their thing in our yards, too.

  7. Well that is something and a lot more interesting that talking to that damn squirrel who keeps coming back like it's a five-year-old which is what my day looked like. Any relation to Mexican jumping beans do you think. Beautiful color. Maybe it was showing respect to the Green Thumb Queen.

    1. You got me curious. I had no idea it was a seed pod into which a moth worm crawled. I don't whether to be impressed or disgusted. The Green Thumb Queen, ha ha.

  8. “A California poppy pod makes a sound when it opens.” I didn’t know that at all. I’ll go for your theory about the name Poppy. I Like to add a pop of color to my room with a vase of poppies.


  9. I just sowed some seeds... I can't seem to grow them though... Time will tell!!!!

  10. Ahah! You made me smile!
    Beautiful pops. :)
    Stay well!


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