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Lots of Fruit

A whispering of leaves. . .


Sometimes, after the sound of trembling leaves, goes a ping! against a ladder, a bench, a table, or the shed, followed by a thud.

Rustle . . . ping! . . . plop!

I wonder how many times Molly the Cat has had a near miss with a fallen lemon or apple or avocado or apricot or Asian pear.

The Husband says that Missy Girl knows precisely where to lay herself down in the backyard.

He's right, Missus Lady.  Purrrrrrrrrrrr. 

This has been a good year for Mama's fruit trees because of the winter and spring rains.  All the trees have been continually aborting themselves of immature seeds and fruits so that the fittest may live to full development. Plop! The lemon tree is a different story. We can't reach the top branches, thus when the fruit ripens, plop!

The two apricot trees had branches heavily laden with fruit that they snapped. Giving baskets and box lids full of apricots to several friends didn't make a dent to the tree. Plop, plop, plop. I thought it would be easy to give away apricots. Not in our town that once upon a time was known for its orchards of Blenheim apricots. A lot of folks have a Blenheim apricot tree or know someone who does and has already been gifted with the fruit.

On Saturday, the Husband and I finally picked most of the apricots. On Sunday, I made six tubs of savory apricot sauce, four apricot galettes, and six mini-apricot pies that already are in the freezer. There's also a bowl of cut apricots in a sugar and lemon juice concoction in the fridge, which will continually be replenished until the fruit is no more.

I didn't make the apricot jam that you see in the photo. That was made by Gal-pal L, which may have contained some apricots from our tree. Other friends have made pies and cobbler from the fruit. That's pretty cool.

Today, I'm hanging out at All Seasons, hosted by Jesh of The Jesh Studio, and Mosaic Monday, hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. If you have a chance, check out the other participants. Lots of wonderful bloggers out there Thank you, lovely hosts!


  1. I understand your apricot innundation. When I was a kid, we had a plum tree. Jelly, jam, and one year the parental units attempted wine. (If you get bored, you could try fermenting your apricots. I wonder if it'd work.)

    1. Google came up with recipes for fermenting apricots. I might as well give it a try.

  2. That's a lot of fruit. How cool that you have it so freely available to make your jams and such. I thought maybe you were in Florida but see that it's California.

    1. This has been the best year yet for the apricots. They're small because I don't thin out the branches. Maybe next year I'll do that.

  3. We had asian pears when I did produce, never got one though.

    1. Some Asian pears I've eaten reminded me of the taste of Bartlet pears, my favorite kind.

  4. Su-sieee Mac - you can plop some of those apricots right on over here to Montana! Wow. Your mama had quite the green thumb. How wonderful to be the beneficiary of all that delicious fruit, even if some of it might drop on your head from time to time! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. These apricots get easily bruised and ripen quickly. If they didn't, you would've got some, Angie. :-) Yup, Mama had two green thumbs and two green toes.

  5. Molly does not look worried at all.

    1. Missy Girl can hardly wait to get out there in the morning. :-)

  6. Luv the energy you put into using your fruit. Very creative
    Have a good week


    1. Thanks, Gillena. I have no idea what got into me on Sunday.

  7. Missy is so pretty. The apricots look good.

  8. That is so wonderful that you are having a good harvest of fruit. I don't have any fruit trees or know anyone who does, so have to either make my way to a fruit farm or the grocery store.

    1. We thank Mama for wanting her fruit trees. Some of them were planted by the Husband. :-)

  9. You have a stunning selection of fruit! In my garden the plop can be heard only when apples or cherries fall down. Your cat is adorable <3

    1. Oooh, cherries. If we had room, I'd plant a cherry tree. Maybe we can get rid of the driveway.

  10. I've already started hearing the acorns drop on our wood shed tin roof. Or maybe the squirrels are throwing them at each other.

  11. Wow, those fruit trees are large! You need a bigger ladder:) You are putting all that fruit to good use, and I remember how sweet your persimmons were! Thank you for all the kind and fun comments of the last weeks - sorry, I dropped the ball on my blog, because in my mind I was already in southern Calif.! One of the paintings i brought (in my eyes the most sgnificant one, because of the meaning), I posted this week
    Have a fun summer week!

    1. Drop the ball, Jesh? I don't think so. i wouldn't mind a taller ladder, then I can climb higher.

  12. ...perhaps Molly the Cat needs to find another shady spot. I'm jealous of all your fruit!

    1. That's one of her favorite spots in the yard when it's not too hot.

  13. No fruit would DARE to fall upon herself!!! :) . . . do you have a foodbank nearby that would take the extras?

    1. A great idea! I'm sure any small or large amount would be appreciated.

  14. Hello, it is awesome to have all those fruit trees. I am glad Miss Molly is safe. Everything looks delicious, I love most fresh fruits. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend.

    1. Mama continues to feed us with her fruit trees. :-)

  15. Oh my lord, you make my tummy growl and my mouth water. Wish I were one of your neighbors, I’d take your extras in a heartbeat, I’m surprised apricots and lemons do so beautifully in the same place. Lucky for you!

    1. You know Mama with her green thumbs, hands, toes, and feet. Let's see if I can continue the tradition. Of course, I don't do much with them other than picking the fruit and pruning branches that get in our face. ::-) Yup, Sallie, if you were our neighbor, you'd certainly be welcome to reach over and pluck all the fruit you want.

  16. My mom's favourite fruit was the apricot and we had a tree once but never was it laden with fruit the way yours is. I can't get over how many fruit trees you have...that's wonderful

    1. That's Mama for you, with all her fruit trees. Last year friends contributed a fig tree to the yard. I'd like to add a pomegranite. How do you spell that?


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