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Unbelievable, but Very True

"Come upstairs with me," said the Husband when he came back from a trip to the gas station. "You've got to see something."

"Is it snow?" I asked. I was in the kitchen prepping garlic for lumpia filling.

"You'll see."


This is the first of the season. No wonder it was cold this morning. Well worth it.

I'm heading over to ABC Wednesday. Come join me, if you like. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Friends!


  1. We are in Visalia, I was watching the weather forecast and the road maps for our drive tomorrow. There were reports of flooding in the direction we will be going tomorrow, The I saw the traffic on the Google map coming across the Sierras from Reno. All orange and red. They must have received a lot of snow. I sure hope this is just the beginning to a good snow pack for California to access next summer. - Margy

    1. Hi, Margy, I hope you and your husband are doing okay in the RV. I don't recall the last time we've had 3 days of downpour. If this keeps up, we may be good for the summer, which I like since I decided this morning to grow vegetables next year.

    2. We are doing fine. We've extended a day in Lemoore to have a better travel day to Morro Bay. It's nice not having a tight schedule to meet. I do hope California will get more rain and snow this year to relieve the drought. Everything is so brown this year, more so than I remember when I lived here. - Margy

  2. Yup, we've got the cold. Only we just got rain. Nice on the snow.

    1. I'm loving the rain. This afternoon I saw a double rainbow.

  3. SNOW!!! . . . did you go and play in it? :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving you guys and of course Molly. JSJ got snow too. Wild.

  5. I'll be seeing plenty later today.. Back home in Minneapolis. Yuck.

  6. I love that the husband presented the first snow of the season to you as a gift! That is true love and makes me smile. Happy December to you both. (And now I’m off to Mr Google to find out what lumpia is. Based only on the one ingredient you mentioned, I’m pretty sure we’d love it. (My tiny houses smell like garlic pretty much all the time)).

    1. Sallie, the first time he said to me, "I want to show you something," he had brought in a yellow parakeet from the backyard. Our little Cu'Pie Baby Bird. We miss the sweet bird.

  7. How wonderful!! Hope we continue to have a wet season here.


  8. What a treat, for those who like it! :)


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