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Letter to My Future New Knee

The prompt for Friday Writings #54 (at Poets and Storytellers United) is a letter to a stranger. Four days later, I offer mine. 

Dear Future Artificial Left Knee,

Today it has become real that our surgery will be happening. The insurance company has approved the procedure and primary Doctor B has said I’m good to go. And, Dr. G, the surgeon who shall wield the tools to hack out the bad tissues and replace them with titanium, plastic, and other non-natural materials, gulp, has given me my pre-op pep talk. 

I am confident you and I will like each other. It’ll be slow going at first as we get to know each other and what we can do. Ah, the fun we’ll have when we get into step. Then, once our future artificial right knee joins us, oh my, we’ll truly be ready to rumble, dance the rumba, climb mountains, jump over the moon, and so forth and so on. The pain I shall be feeling will be worth it. Yi-haw! 

Don’t get me wrong, I‘m not taking this lightly. I am scared. But, hey, we must find light and humor to get through this. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Two Knee? Two Knee who? Two Knee Fish. (Wish I could say I came up with this joke. Thank you, Anonymous punster who did.)

In 16, sweet 16, days, you, Artificial Left Knee, and I shall be joined at the joint! We’ve got this.
Su-sieee! Mac

To check out other “Dear Stranger” letters, head over to Friday Writings. Cheers!


  1. Hi Susie, a nice message to the knee. Yes, you will enjoy your new knee joint immensely, I know. My new joint joined me in 2011 and has given no problems. Be sure to do your therapy and keep it bending as much as possible. One drawback was the pain medicine, an Opioid, and now I am Opioid addicted. It was really hard to get off, I still have my stash but will power seems to prevail. But my body still wants them, the feeling is there, as I have been prescribed them a few times since.

    1. Jim, reading about your various adventures tells me that you and your replacement knee get along quite well. That give me lots of hope of no longer limiting my adventures. I’ve been using cannabis for pain management the past 5 years. Stopped it a couple weeks ago so I’m 30 days free by my surgery date. I understand there may be risks with anesthesia. Once I’m in recovery mode, I’ll consume cannabis again for pain management once I’m off whatever pain control medication the doctors give me.

  2. Hey Susie, I just came out of a different type of surgery couple of weeks ago and I can understand your fear. I went through all of the stages of anxiety, panic and a thousand knots in the stomach. I hope the surgery goes well - sending good wishes and love. With the light and humour you are seeking, you've certainly got this!!

    1. Thanks, Rajani! It’s the waiting and imagining before surgery that’s the worse, lol. I wish you well in your recovery.

  3. Wow! How exciting. And yes, I can well imagine, daunting too. But everyone I know who has had this done has ultimately been very glad of it. And I love that you are making this 'stranger' welcome into your body and life.

    1. “Exciting”, I love that you said that, Rosemary. It is exciting and forward going! That I need to remember more, seize the day, yi-haw! Better yet, Knee-haw!

  4. Getting bits cut off is rarely fun, but the results are often awesome. I wish you and your soon-to-be-not-a-stranger knee the best. May your surgeon's hands be blessed and may that blessing translate into a fantastic new knee for you!

    1. Thank you, Magaly! I appreciate and love your blessing.

  5. Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure it'll go great. Yeah, the pain in the immediate will suck, but once everything's healed up, you'll be so happy you did this.

    1. Thanks, Liz! I wonder if I’ll read the shelf of books I’ve lined up during recovery. Maybe I’ll finally learn to crochet.

  6. Just love this letter, Su-sieee! I wish you spryness, and know the feeling. Had my left hip replaced in 2016. It's still there!

    1. Whoot! Whoot! Yay for hips and knees! Thank youuu.


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