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Sitting Among Rainbows

(1) This morning we walked around the block. Definitely a big deal for me who haven’t done much walking. I’ve been getting my exercise playing in the garden, hauling, digging, bending, reaching, pulling, and so forth and so on. I also got a good workout vacuuming the stairs last week.  There’s nothing like stretching my legs though. Best of all, my knees didn’t pop and cough until I took my shoes off, thank you very much. Yeah, I’m still waiting for my turn with the knee surgeon.

(2) Other than in my head, I haven’t felt much like writing. Thus, my latest absence. 

(3) It took me awhile to start letting go about feeling guilty for not writing, which I’ve been doing for fun and for a living most of my life. The latter, unnecessary for the present, thankfully. I’m rambling. 

(4) Once upon a time, one of my high school teachers told me I could never be a writer because I ramble too much. She, with her bra strap constantly peeking out of her sleeveless blouse. The wise one also discouraged a classmate from being a buyer because her vocational test scores showed she didn’t have it in her. The worse sin, that teacher told another classmate that her high IQ didn’t count because English was her second language. 

(5) So, where was I? Anywhere? 

For Gillena’s Art for Fun Friday at Lunch Break

(6) The past few weeks I’ve been stringing beads and prisms to create rainbow makers. I love sitting among dancing rainbows. Who wouldn’t? 

(7) Two weeks ago, I lucked out at a garage sale and bought me a whole bunch of gorgeous beaded necklaces. Destringing (Unstringing?) the necklaces and grouping the beads by color was rather relaxing. I finally found a purpose for the 12-cup muffin pan that has been sitting in the cupboard for years.

(8) I’ve also been experimenting with pour paint on tiles and rocks, using utensils and Molly’s combs to help the paints along. I haven’t the patience to let the paints do their thing by themselves. Besides, all that paint dripping off, such a waste. 

(9) For the Poets and Storytellers United’s Friday WritingPrompt: lists

White nationalists. Which Whites will they allow to be? All European whites, including those they consider having odd names and speaking in foreign accents and strange sounding languages? The fair-skinned Asians, Africans, Hispanics, and Native Americans? Or, only the Whites who hang with them? 

(10) The other day I hacked off my hair. Snip, snip. 

(11) According to, my score for risk taking is above average, more than 80% of whatever population they are looking at. I suppose cutting my own hair is an example of me being a risk taker. Could also be that I’m cheap. Chirp, chirp. 

(12) In July, the Husband and I applied for our passports. We may not ever go anywhere, but the idea that we can has me all pumped up. I’m wondering if we may have to take our photos over because we’re smiling. What do you say?

(13) That’s it for me. Along with 
Art for Fun Friday and Friday Writing , I’m sharing with Thursday 13. Now, I must go figure what to do for lunch. Big hugs, One and All❤️


  1. Greetings!! I enjoyed every word of your post!!! I, too, am waiting for the knee surgeon. Finally see his Physician Assistant on 9/19. Thinking it will be another six to eight months for inclusion on his surgery schedule. Health Care is disappointing. PS, I love your hair cut, I cut my own as well.

    1. Hello Helen! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my post. :-) Glad to hear someone else is waiting for her turn (and also cuts her hair). We live in a small rural county with limited choices, thankfully we have at least one orthopedic specialist. The last I talked with the office, maybe October. I could push for more commitment, but, we’ll see is okay for now.

  2. The new hair style is pretty. Luv the drip paint art.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday, oh and the correct spelling of my name is
    G I L L E N A


    1. Whoops, sorry Gillena. Fixed it. 🙂 I’m so glad I splurged for the pour paints. I don’t know if I’d get more when some of the paints are no more. Thanks.

  3. What a horrid teacher. I am happy that you had the good sense of not listening to her. Having a passport is really very exciting and your passport photos are just amazingly beautiful.


    1. I was fortunate to have friends and teachers who liked my writing. Thanks, Soma.

  4. I love how this works for the poets lists AND 13 Thursday. I feel updated now. Writing for a living: I just lost my part time job writing and covering events for the local paper because they cut the budget (again). It's been quite an adjustment. Your artistic creativeness always amazes me!

    1. Thanks, Colleen. I’m sorry to hear your job was cut. The financial aspect was the toughest part, but it always was as a freelancer, so I was happy to kick in my social security benefits at 62. Having a monthly check to throw into the pot was a relief.

  5. Sweet post and brave cutting of your hair ~ Xo ~ Good to hear from you

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. The pour paint looks wonderfully colorful. I’m glad you didn’t listen to that terrible teacher. Keep on smiling!

  7. There are so many nice and wonderful things to read today. Thank you for sharing.
    Pouring paint on rocks seems like fun. :)

    1. Yes, indeed, a lot of lovely voices. Pour painting reminds me of lava lamps. Thanks for dropping by.

  8. I have seen too many talented people discouraged and giving up because of incompetent teachers. I am so pleased you included this in your poem as I was only discussing this with a friend last night. Yes you are a very smiley couple....passport people do not like happy faces. Have not been to a haidresser since the plague started ....Enjoyed your poem.
    Rallentanda (Rall)

    1. Thank you, Rall! Finding the confidence to try again is a tough row. Fortunately for me my parents modeled perseverance and faith that all will go well.

  9. Teachers who tell you what you can and can't be are not good. I was a teacher, but I never went around telling kids what they could or could not become. It really is up to the individual, isn't it? And I am loving your pouring experiments. They look amazing. I hope you're having a good weekend. (LInking over for GIllena's Friday lunch date). hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, Erika. One good thing I can say about that teacher is that I didn’t want to be like her. :-)

  10. English is my second language. When I started writing there was another waste of space--probably related to exposed-bra-strap teacher--who told that I started learning English too late (I was in my late teens), so I would never learn well enough to be a writer. I didn't listen. No one should listen to that sort of energy suckers.

    I enjoyed this from beginning to end. The tone is delicious, we learn so much. I hope everyone smiled on their passport picture--once, while taking my driver's license picture at the DMV, I was told that I needed to show fewer teeth. I grinned wider.

    Magaly Guerrero

    1. You go, Magaly! Smile wider and pay no mind to the negaters. It’s nice to know my tone is delicious. Thank you!!

  11. I, too, have a bra strap usually showing. But discouraging students?!? Yikes. That's awful. Some people should not deal with kids.

    Glad to hear you got a walk in. I did yesterday, but I'm not walking as much as I would like. Maybe when it cools down... Yeah, I say this now, but it won't be happening, I'm sure.

    1. My leg bummed out yesterday, just when I was thinking I was moving so well. It’s okay today, thankfully.

  12. An editor from a journal I once submitted my poems to, wanted to know why I wrote in English because it was "obviously" not my first language. Whatever issues she had, she was not a battle worth picking. But they are everywhere. Including several who wonder quite openly about "why do you write poetry? no one reads it. write a novel"

    1. Some people, Rajani, some rather insecure people. A social worker asked, after she asked what I did, “Are you published?” I doubt anyone asked her if she had the proper degree to be one.

  13. Some of the best teachers are those OUT OF the classroom... I hope you most children ignored her! You obviously have an artistic streak - it keeps one young!

    1. Thanks, Margaret. My best teacher was the editor who took a chance on me and hired me and gave me the opportunities to learn and develop editing, writing, and research skills on the job.

  14. well it's a pleasure to meet you susie, love your blog here, you have a zest for life and art, i like that. love your paint pour tiles (and maybe a little fingerpainting as well? i love it), those are awesome. you should take some close up photoes of them individually, i would love a closer look at all of them. really beautiful stuff

  15. I really like your hair! - And - of course - your full-of-Joy-Filled-Stories. They are worth the wait. .💙 love & love, -g-

  16. I have thought about getting a passport, but haven't. I think you're not supposed to be smiling in those photos, although I have no idea why! They are good photos.

    1. Thanks, Anita. We lucked out that the woman who took our photos didn’t get the memo about smiling. lol

  17. Fun as always and I always learn from you here as well. I think we've all had a teacher with a hateful personality like Miss Brastrap. I hope we've all had more of the good kind as well. I was also told not to smile for my passport photo, no idea why. (Maybe it would make sense not to smile on your driver's license photo since you probably wouldn't be smiling when you hand it to the policeman at your car window!)....... I hope you get your knees fixed soon and I hope you get to use those Passports. Meanwhile enjoy those rainbows!

    1. Hi, Sallie! We received our passports yesterday, hurrah! Weeks ahead of when we expected them. Yi-haw! I’m all over the map dreaming of the possibilities….Fortunately for me, I had a number of positive influences to offset Miss Brastrap’s. :-)

  18. Su-sieemac - nice to see you post again, and that is not meant to make you feel guilty in any way for NOT posting. Life is too short to be doing anything we don't want to do! It made me so sad to hear about the things that teacher said to students. Life is hard enough without a potentially respected person being a discouragement. Shame! I am not the least bit surprised that said you are a risk-taker - I could have told them that! Enjoy the rest of August!

    1. Hey, Angie! I appreciate your reassurance. ❤️


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