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Inang Mo. . .Emeteria

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and
Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers
In the Mama's language of Ilocano, the word inang means mother. This photo is the Inang of the Mama when she was 70 years old or so. The last time the Mama saw her Inang was in October 1949, just before she sailed with the one-year old Only and Older Bionic Brother from the Philippines for the United States. The two were heading onward to their new lives with the Daddy, who was already living in their new home. 

I think it's fascinating that the Inang of the Mama signed that photo in 1971 to her daughter not as Inang Mo (your mother) but by her first name Emeteria. That to me is very forward thinking for a woman of the Filipino culture of her generation, which makes me very proud. Having never met the Inang of the Mama, I do not think of her as lola (the Ilocano word for grandmother), but as the bright, beautiful, and bold woman Emeteria.  

To know a little something about Emeteria, is know a bit more about the Mama and her authentic green thumbs. . .and fingers.

Emeteria married at the age of 14 to Cipriano who was 13. Her family was unhappy with the marriage. Not because both were young but because he was poor and a "pure" Filipino. (Emeteria's father was from Spain.) By the time, Emeteria was 28, she had given birth to five sons and one daughter. About two years later, Emeteria was a widow and the sole supporter of her family.

From the Mama's stories, I think of Emeteria as a Renaissance Woman. Better yet, a Wonder Woman.  Emeteria worked and managed their farm, as well as made money by sewing clothes, making and selling bottles of salted fish called bagoong, and doing other things. 

To help Emeteria, the Mama, at nine-years-old, was taken out of school to care for her younger brothers and the house. As the Mama grew, she learned how to raise crops, grow vegetables, tailor clothes, and do the various jobs that Emeteria did.  All of which made the Mama, herself, become a Renaissance Woman—a Wonder Woman!

The Mama in 1975

I'm participating in ABC Wednesday, a meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and managed today by Roger Green at Ramblin' with Roger. Today is the letter IClick here to read other posts.


  1. Women of that generation were amazingly resilient.

  2. It's a good think to know that you come from a line of strong and resilient women! Your grandmother was beautiful!

    1. Emeteria certainly was. The Mama looks almost like her.

  3. You have a fantastic gene pool ♪

  4. Your mother and grandmother were admirable women! Thank you for this story. Have a great weekend.
    Wil, ABCW.

  5. It`s a very good and interesting story... Thank you for telling us.

  6. Your Lola was a strong woman, as is your Mama. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so I believe you've inherited that gene as well. Thank you for sharing such a marvelous story and blessings!

    1. I hope that I have inherited their gene, Arnoldo. Thank you for saying so.

  7. What a fine example of a "Mother", she certainly took hold of her circumstances and soared!!

    1. When I think of the alternatives that Emeteria could've chosen, I am even more thankful for her. She passed on her values to the Mama who has passed them down to me.

  8. That is young to get married and your grandfather died very young. Your mom and grandmom were very strong women who were self-reliant. many could take a cue from them today

    1. The Mama says they got married young back then. I can only think they were very mature to take that step. I was 31 before I did.

  9. Good to know about this people.

  10. Lovely post greetings from Poland gościa

  11. Mama surely knew how to beat hard times, she was a warrior for her time, thank you for sharing and thank you for checking my Letter I, as well as you well wishes.

  12. i LOVE that top picture, especially.


  13. I'm delighted to read about your Mama and Grandma, what doughty ladies, it's little wonder that The Mama is still so fit and active.
    Thank you for sharing your most INTERESTING family and life with us,
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. You've given me encouragement to dig into my history. Thank you, Di.

  14. Very nice portrait Emeteria, if I'm not mistaken is his great grandmother!

    1. Emeteria is the Mama's mama and my grandmother, Leovi. :-)


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