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Wondering. . .

Yesterday's mail brought my royalty check. Whoo-hooo! Just in time to pay the property tax bill. Boo-hoo. I'm grateful, and fortunate, to still receive royalties on career and educational books that I wrote 10 years ago.

Jo in Little Women was asked by Professor Bhaer (who Jo eventually married) why she wrote trashy stories. Her answer: The sale of that trashy story bought something for her family back home, the sale of this trashy story paid for a vacation by the sea for her ill sister who needed the fresh air, and so forth and so on.

Professor Bhaer had the decency to feel bad for bringing it up to Jo, and after he apologized, he encouraged Jo to write something that is dear to her heart.

I'm not saying that my books are trash. Far from it. I have been wondering lately if there is something that is dear to my heart that I want to write. 



  1. Getting them long after doing it is awesome, I always loved that concept. Never liked the idea that whatever I worked for ten years ago, now means nothing

    1. More than the royalties, I get great comfort in knowing that I'm in the Library of Congress. :-)

  2. Yes, there is. It's there, waiting for you to visit and start a conversation. :)

  3. Glad you are receiving royalties. As soon as I read this, I thought of a story, whether it be for children or not, of your mom and her garden with illustrations done by you as well.

    1. Birgit, I was rereading some of the Mama's stories the other day. Perhaps.


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