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The I's Have It

What do the I's have?

I don't know.

The idiom just came to me. So, let me go look it up. . . .

Oh, it's not the I's, but rather the ayes.  Now, that makes sense.  The ayes have it.  In other words, the majority of people who voted in favor of something won. Okey-dokey.

Pondering and writing about that idiom interrupted my original intention for this post. The thought started the other night.  What came first: Ink or inkling?

Did someone have an inkling and needed ink for her pen to write about it? Or, perhaps, hmmm, she spilled ink on herself because someone surprised her by whispering in her ear. She stood up quickly, saying with much irritation to that person, "Inkling!" She was too polite to swear, you see.

This morning, while the Husband and I sat not impatiently in the doctor's office (simply a routine visit for the Husband), I wondered what came first: Imp or impossible? And, Id or idiot?

Intriguing, aye?

The inspiration for today's post is ABC Wednesday and the letter (wait for it) I. To check out other I-themed posts, click here. Thank you ABCW team!


  1. Imp is eternal - Impossible is shortly overcome . . . . (giggle)

    1. giggle. An imp would surely overcome the impossible of anything.

  2. Lovely way of filling in the prompt... love the way your minds works

    Have a nice ABC-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-team) -

  3. Not really 'I' but one thing which always makes me wonder - you hear of someone being 'overwhelmed' or 'underwhelmed' but you never hear of anyone being just 'whelmed' :)

    1. That's true. What is "whelm" that we would be over or under? Whelm could be a contraction of "What elm?"...wh'elm...welm. So someone might be seeking for something under or on top of an elm tree but just doesn't know which one.

  4. Creative post and photo for I ~ lovely!

    Wishing you a smooth sailing week ~ ^_^

  5. I just came because I thought this photo was cool, but I also enjoy your ponderings about life.

    1. Thanks, Julia. I'm happy with the way that photo turned out. The car lights look like eyes.

  6. Oh my gosh you got me giggling and then thinking which came first the gig or the giggling! LOL

    abcw team

    1. Oooh, that's a good one, too. Be nice to have a gig giggling. For a short while though.

  7. INCREDIBLE line of thought Susie...made me laugh too.
    I think 'I' is a difficult letter to deal with, I really
    had to wrack my brains until INSPIRATION struck....

    ABCW team

    1. That ponder came tumbling out as we were preparing for bed. The Husband and I did a whole routine with rhymes of ink....stink, mink, link, think, etc. wink, wink, wink became the chorus. I love times like that.

  8. Breaking words down is a fun way to play with language. :)

    1. As a kid waiting in the car while a parent was in the grocery store, I would look at a word on a building and try to make a bunch of of words from it.

  9. I salute your Incredible creativity, Susie:) Keep it up:)

  10. You're keeping your mind busy. I'm afraid when my mind wanders it goes where no one else has been before.

    1. We may have passed each other in our mental wanders, Betty. I'm the one that hums off-key.

  11. I would say it looks like a modern art insect with huge eyes, pardon me I's !

  12. Ah...nice to be here! I came from your other blog and saw all the class of 1971 photos. So fun! I am class of 1972, oh gosh, where did the time go? I saw your comment at Betty's Daydream World post and said, I gotta check out those Campbell KIds dolls. Ooooohhh, me and dolls! I LOVE them all! Good to see you here and always fun to say hello and visit you for a bit. Take care. xo

    1. Hi, Anne! Good to see you. I'm slowly getting back into the groove of posting and visiting. Our reunion was a blast! Someone told me the other day that people at the bar wanted to join us because we were having so much fun.


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