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New Things Tried

 Sweet Pea Song, my computer, is whining loudly. She's quite hot to the touch.

At least we're not in Death Valley right now. Weather experts say it's 130 Fahrenheit. Ouch!

In our neck of the woods, the temperature has inched up to 102 Fahrenheit. Seven degrees less than yesterday's high point. Hopefully, that's the highest it gets around here for the rest of the year. Tomorrow, the temperatures ought to start dipping  into the 90s and  stay that way for the rest of the week. Yippiee!

The heat has kept me indoors. So, I've been playing with new things. Embroidering (kinda), for one. I drew an elephant on what was once the bodice of Mama's dress and outlined it in green backstitches and regular stitches. 

This is my first piece since I was 9 or 10. I finally have the patience and attention span to keep on practicing hand and embroidery stitches. So I think.

Back in February, I bought a set of watercolor paints. On Saturday evening I started playing with them. Simply making random strokes with different colors all over the paper.  Sometimes an image shows itself.

The other day, I was talking with friends over the phone. Mister H said something about the abundance of their zucchini that tickled me pink. I thought it would make a great cartoon gag. So, in this wonderful heat, I tried my hand at drawing: 

The zucchini are knocking at the kitchen door.

To check out more bloggers from around the world, head over to All Seasons and Mosaic Monday. Stay cool and safe, Everyone!


  1. I love your art and always feel like I should be more creative after I visit you! The days get away from to speak! It's hot and humid here with NO breeze so I am stuck inside more too. But I keep busy! Enjoy your week! Stay cool and have fun! Love that elephant! Oh, and you were right...there was a buzzard in among the flock of white birds. Only two people noticed that! Of course YOU were one of them....of course!!!

    1. I feel the same way about being more creative when I visit other bloggers, including yourself, Diane. I think that's great. We inspire each other! :-)

  2. What a cute elephant and so sweet to have something of luck on your mom’s dress.. I am glad you are trying out your watercolours and your zucchini Picture is funny

    1. The elephant turned out okey-dokey, to my pleasant surprise. I was trying out different stitches and lengths. I don't get the French knot at all. It's funny how I finally have the patience and calmness to play with hand stitching. In my 30s, I thought it would be fun to handstitch a garment. Hmmm.

  3. It's amazing what we end up liking as adults that we couldn't abide as children. I believe there was a Good Eats episode where Brown had recipes for abundant summer squash.

    1. My yen to figure out Mama's and Daddy's dishes has come back. They used way more salt than I do so I know the tastes I recall won't ever be exact. Close enough is good enough.

  4. The zuchinni cartoon you drew is priceless ... my son in law says we can’t leave their house when we visit unless we take some home . Bill put some in pasta sauce today . Love your “”serious” watercolors also, you have so many talents.

    1. Fortunate woman, you, Sallie, to have access to freshly picked, homegrown veggies. Until I tasted our friends' homegrown zuchinni, I shunned the vegetable. I'm happy to say I've acquired the taste for squash. It rates right below kabocha squash, yummm. Love that with eggplants, beans, onion, garlic, tomatoes, and bittermelon.
      Sallie, I appreciate your kind words, a lot. You boost my confidence. Until the last few years, I didn't think of myself as being artistic or having many talents. :-)

  5. Everyone has garden veggies at the same time. Except me! I got squash blossoms but no squash. I suspect a critter ate them.

  6. Su-sieee! You have been busy. I luv your watercolours and embroidery. Both of which i too luv doing
    Have a good week. I came in at #12 on the linky


    1. Thanks, Gillena! I've been distracting myself from dreary and anxious thoughts. I succeed a lot of times. :-)

  7. Hello,
    I like your art work, so colorful and cheery. The elephant is cute, I hope you get a break with your weather, stay cool. It has been very hot and humid here. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. The blue sky started breaking through the smoke a couple evenings ago. Also, it's cooler. Hurrah! Hope you're doing okay on your side.

  8. When my computer sounds loud, I make sure that the case is clean - to make sure that the fan has access to air through the vents. All of your art is lovely. It looks like fun! I especially like the embroidery.

    1. Shasta, thank you. Also thanks for the tip. I blew air to cast out any dust in the vents. It helped.

  9. Hi Susie :) I love your Zuke cartoon!!! :) Very cute! And your watercolours are very nice!

  10. Looks like you've had fun painting. Our temps have been hovering in the lower 100s but cooling off into the high 80s low 90s these next few days.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

    1. I've been painting planter pots the last couple days. Just giddily splashing, thumping, and slapping paint. A riot of colors. It's a good thing the Husband doesn't shudder at colors. :-)

  11. My grandmother was the best at cross stitch and needlepoint. Her stitches were always so precise even as she got older. Her main entertainment was watching the news in the evening and hand sewing.

    1. Your grandmother sounds like Mama, except her fun was crocheting. Precise and neat!

  12. I love the zucchini knocking at the door, Susie! That made me laugh ;) We';ve had reacord breaking heat here in Colorado and sadly the dry conditions have caused wildfires. We need rain!

    1. Great, Pat! Did you happen to find the human eyes peeping out of a window? :-)

  13. Whew! 102 - that's hot! We have been experiencing highs in the 90s, but even so it is pleasant in the shade. Glad it gave you an reason to be inside and do some other crafts! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. The heat, the fires, the pandemic, the everything. Pshew! Without the Husband and Molly the pinky-nosed (wild) Cat, this would be very difficult to get through. Thank goodness for crafts!

  14. Your watercolours and embroidery. are adorable!

    The elephant is too cute!

  15. Love all of your fun and beautiful work! :)

  16. Happy Monday

    Share a Monday post at Monday WRites


  17. Nice color combos. It looks like a textile. Funny too!

  18. Just stopped by to check up on you. Hope your computer didn't do a die-off on you from the heat!


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