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Saturday Rose

I collected rose hips this winter, with thoughts to plant them and see if they would grow. Silly me thought I could and would remember what color of rose each bag of rose hips are. Oh well. I’m going to plant them anyway. I love surprises.


  1. Replies
    1. The color of the petals doesn’t translate in photographs. They’re really a rich dark red. I fooled around with the basic filters on the ipad, but couldn’t get close enough to the real thing.

  2. You must write everything down, because you will invariably forget something. (That was directed at me. I am guilty of this.)

    1. A pen is what I need to keep with me at all times.

    2. A pen and pad in every room, and one outside as well. :)

    3. Widders, what if one could pull out a pencil or pen or brush the way Wolverine pulls out his claws. lol


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