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A Sunday Ramble

It's Sunday. I'm not going to do anything," I said to the Husband, invoking the rule of Mama.  Sometimes after Sunday breakfast, Mama  talked herself into not feeling guilty about taking a day off from working in the garden. So, I think.

Why did I even say that? Every day is a day off. And, most days feel like a Sunday. As it went, I chose to rake leaves in the South Room. 

Molly couldn't decide if she wanted to sit in the sun outside while I worked or sit in the sun indoors. She eventually settled for the latter. The Husband came out to help move, fetch, toss, and pick up in the yard. We also surveyed the best locations to grow our crops of a single this, a couple of that, and a few of these vegetable or herb plants. I'm looking forward to that. The last time the Husband and I took care of our own vegetable garden was in the late 1990s, and that was for only a couple of years.

As some of you know, the backyard has naturally divided into four rooms. The sunny room is where our tiny farm will be.  The Shady and North End rooms currently look like an overgrown forest floor.

The South Room has bones to be a cozy room for visiting, napping, reading, and such like how it looks in my drawing that I mentioned in my last post.   While raking leaves there, I opened my mind to making the space even more comfy cozy than it was this summer. The rocking chair will definitely go back into the space. The bench may be replaced by an old loveseat recliner that's just getting dusty doing nothing in the garage. And, of course, more flowers and succulents everywhere.

I bet you know where I'm going today. Yup, All Seasons and Mosaic Monday. Come join me.


  1. Su-sieemac - I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday than pottering around in the garden, especially a magical spot like the South Room. I am particularly drawn to the idea of napping there! Or maybe some afternoon tea? Oh, the flights of fancy … Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy your week ahead!

    1. The previous next door neighbor pulled down all the tall trees on his property so there's a lot more light in the South Room. What does that mean? I don't know. lol

  2. It's a pleasure to join you in your garden, for even though i haven't been there before, I just know Oh, I'll find many unexpected things, you "forgot" to tell me about! Yeah, sigh, gardens ask attention every year, and they punish us if they don't get it, lol! Great post for All Seasons, Susie, as always brimful of your inventiveness and creativity! Have a great gardening week!

    1. You imagine the garden well, Jesh. I've begun stacking things because there are so many of them. So far I can get by with glue. Next year I might experiment with the drill and nuts and bolts to connect things. Exciting!

  3. You have a gorgeous summer in the garden-.. And it really is allowed to take days off! Happy MM.

    1. Thank you. It looks like summer but it's today, late autumn/early winter. That's California for you. :-) My life is a day off, so it cracks me up when I think that I don't.

  4. Such a wonderfully welcoming space. I envy you the coziness!! Have a wonderful, week!!

  5. Of course you can take a day off when you want to. Sounds like a great plan for a relaxing garden getaway.

    1. This evening I decided that I'm playing hooky from the museum for the rest of the month. The advantage of being a volunteer. lol

  6. I can't sleep in any room but my own.

    1. Let's see what you say when you get much older, Adam. :-)

  7. rooms of a garden. I sure like that! If you can put a sofa outside, you must live in California!!! (not in snowy colorado) Molly is the perfect third family member for you two.

    1. You called it, LeeAnna, about California and Molly the wild Cat. :-)

  8. Can you really have too many flowers and succulents. Hey, do you guys have parties back there, tea or otherwise? I envision a Madhatter situation.

    1. Too many is when we use too much water. I'm pretty stingy about water usage. Yup to parties and hanging outside when friends come to visit. We need to figure out shading for the patio so we can sit outside more during the summer.

  9. Replies
    1. It's a continuation of me rolling around in the grass to make rooms in the field next to our house when I was a small kid.

  10. I like the rooms idea too. Sounds very nice.

    1. The rooms happened naturally. I love it when that happens.

  11. We all need a day off now and then, a day with a good book and little else. Well, maybe a glass of wine, a little bread, good cheese, a few olives.........

    1. All good things to enjoy. :-) I'm retired so every day is really a day off.

  12. You have such a beautiful blog, I am so glad I stopped by. Yes, I agree , we all need to take a day off.. to curl up and read a good book with a cup of coffee or tea, water or wine. What a treat to ourselves!

  13. ...I must say that there was no need to cut the grass out back!

    1. We pulled out the front lawn three years ago. Before our first rain we planted a small plot with native grass for Molly the wild Cat to lie on should she choose.

  14. I love your garden rooms - I have rooms too - though they don't look as lush as yours. But it is rather hot and dry here at the moment and I really don't feel like going out in the garden to work. Have a wonderful week, and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.

    1. It's been raining so it looks more lush than usual in this room. We had a hotter summer this year so I didn't start going in the garden until September. We had good gardening weather all the way into late November.

  15. Your garden rooms make me think of being a little kid and drawing rooms with a stick in the sand at the Snake River beach, where we hung out all the time because it was so hot. “Building “ furniture with wet sand and Dixie cups and popsicle sticks. .... but never was I creative or ambitious enough to carry my ideas into adulthood. I love your magical spaces!

    1. Sallie, it was earlier this year that I realized I was doing exactly what I did as a kid. My beach was the field bordering our backyard. I'd climb up the slope and step through the barbed wire fence to a field of grass that was high over my head (like in my banner drawing). I'd roll around the grass to create a room. Sometimes connecting rooms. I love this memory. :-)


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