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"Nothing from Me," Says Molly the Cat

No movie review from me today. But, here's a photo of purrrrrrrrrrrrty me taking a snoozer of a stretch

See ya next week with a movie. Ciao.

A Note from Su-sieee! Mac

Molly the Cat refused to write about today's selection, A New Kind of Love, a 1963 silly comedy romp starring the sparkly and sparking duo of Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman. She said, "How can I write about the movie, Missus Lady, when I've never seen it? Also, it's not on Netflix."

Always the logical cat, Missy Molly is, by golly.

Molly gave me her glare of a stare then a turn of her back when I said she could paraphrase what I told her about the movie. That Girl!

She didn't care that it was one of my favorite movies from my teenage years, making the circuits of the day, evening, and late Saturday night movie stations. It was a funny, sexy, actually quite layered, love story, but one I'd probably cringe at a lot if I were to see it for the first time today.

A New Kind of Love (1963)
Setting: The Fashion World and Sports World of Paris, France

Steve, a devil-may-care sports columnist whose lost his writing mojo, meets Sam, a tomboyish prude of a second-rate fashion designer, on a plane to Paris. Steve has been vanquished by his NY editor and Sam and her boss and boss's secretary are going to the Parisian fashion shows to rip off designs. Steve and Sam immediately are disgusted with each other. Of course.

When they next meet in Paris, Steve mistakes Sam for a rich man's escort, as she's wearing an ooh-la-la! long blonde-haired wig and high-tone duds. Sam plays along, because she thinks she's getting revenge,  and tells him a grand old story that really is about an experience of a rich countess (something like that) played by one of the Gabor sisters who her boss thinks he's in love with. By the way, dawlings, the boss's secretary is in love with the boss. 

Steve embroiders Sam's story as a sports metaphors in his column, voila! his magic with words is back. So, even though he thinks the countess quite a fake, he continues to get together with her to hear more stories. Eventually, he finds out that she is Sam, which means revenge time. Ah-ha!

Now, at this point, Molly the Cat would ask: Are the revenging Sam and Steve really in love with each other? How far will they take their revenge on each other? And, how does the movie incorporate Maurice Chevalier into the story so he can croon une chansone to Sam?

The letter N is the featured theme at ABC Wednesday this week. Click here to check out the offerings from bloggers around the world.


  1. We swore we would never get the Internet at our cabin home. As soon as we gave in on that, we added Netflix. Our reasoning was with a high speed Internet connection we could stream movies rather than copying them to our computers for viewing on those long winter nights. Now we've learned you can go just as crazy with the Internet living in the bush as you can living in the city. We now have self imposed limited viewing hours so we don't ignore the wonders of nature all around us. - Margy

    1. Good for you, Margy! We've naturally fallen into the routine of watching a movie in the afternoon with lunch when one has come through the mail. It's a nice break.

  2. I have yet to see this movie. I realize now that I don’t think I have ever seen a film with both of them in it...yet.

    1. They made 2 or 3 comedies together. Sophisticated slapstick is how I would describe those comedies, but different than the the Cary Grant-Katharine Hepburn comedies.

  3. Well everyone deserves a day of every now and then, cats do to I guess

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. As the Mama described her, Molly is a "millionaire cat". lol

  4. Okay, okay - BUT - I'm watching for mail delivery today - because Molly's movie review from last week should be here - AND - i have the evening off . . . yippeeeee!

  5. Great photo of your beautiful kitty ~

    A ShutterBug Explores ^_^

  6. I added Acorn to my internet, lots of good movies from the UK. My favorite show is Doc Martin.

  7. Oh, look at you, all slinky in your sunbeam! :D

  8. I guess I should have taken a clue from Mollie and at least put up nothing for the letter N. Of course, Mollie had some assistance from you and there was a review after all. Been a little under the weather and hope to be back next week although O sounds difficult.

    1. I wasn't going to put up anything but Molly insisted. She wants a clean record of posting. I think it was her sly way of getting me to write. :-)

  9. Wow, that was a long "note" Susie:):) Don't know how far you live from the fires burning now, but I hope you are safe!
    Hope to see you back at All Seasons in a few days!

    1. Thank Molly for my long note, Jesh. :-) We're in Hollister, far away from the fires, thank goodness. The smoke managed to get down here. Yesterday, the smell of smoke was strong. I haven't been outside yet to see/smell what it's like. You be careful up there, too!

  10. I love to see Molly the cat always.

  11. Your opinions are interesting, but I'd really like to see more of Molly's



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