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Molly the Cat's ABC Wednesday Movie for the Letter V

The Missus Lady told me that Groundhog Day solidified her as a Bill Murray fan. She stops and watches the movie until the next commercial anytime she comes across it on the TV. Myself, I have yet to watch the movie all the way through. Meeew.

Some people may think Bill Murray plays himself in every role. We don't think so. Playing a character loose as a goose is a talent and skill. Both the Missus Lady and I like Bill Murray in Rock the Kasbah, The Monuments Man, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Larger than Life, Olive Kitteridge, Hyde Park on Hudson, and today's movie.

St. Vincent  (2014)
Setting: Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

Vincent, played by Bill Murray, is an ornery old soul who gambles, drinks, smokes, and lives alone. He regularly visits his wife in a nursing facility. She has Alzheimer's and stopped knowing Vincent years ago. One day Maggie (performed by Melissa McCarthy) and her young son Oliver enter Vincent's life. Their first encounter is Vincent finding a tree limb on top of his car, which Maggie's moving van inadvertently broke. Oh no!

The story, however, is not about Maggie and Vincent but about the friendship that develops between Vincent and Oliver, who Vincent agrees to babysit after school because he needs money. Oliver, being new and a non-Catholic in a Catholic school, gets picked on. Does Vincent teach Oliver how to defend himself? Does Oliver loosen up and learn how to enjoy life? Are Maggie and Vincent always at odds? Who's the pregnant Russian prostitute who comes to live with Vincent? Is Vincent really a bad guy?

I'd see this movie again. Purrrrrrrr

A note from Su-sieee! Mac: The letter V is the theme for this week's ABC Wednesday. Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world have written with the letter.  Thank you, ABCW team!


  1. I've been meaning to see it for quite some time

  2. I love this movie because of everything you wrote and more. It has heart and what a funky family at the end. Naomi Watts was great and a rare movie where Melissa McCarthy plays it straight.

    1. I just realized that Melissa McCarthy has played an angry woman quite a few times. I'm glad her characters do shake off that anger.

  3. Not a big fan of Bill Murray but I might take a chance and watch.

  4. have not watched this one.. but sounds interesting.. (the bill murray movie watched over and over again - :) groundhog day)

  5. I really wanted to see this at our local theater but it left too quickly!


  6. My goodness, Molly. You have some great recommendations. Nicely done. :D


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