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Molly the Cat's ABC Wednesday Movie for the Letter W

Today's movie was the first feature film ever shot in Saudi Arabia and directed by a Saudi woman. Purrrrrrrr-ty cool. It's an honest story about a young girl wanting things that she can't have because she is a girl. But, that doesn't stop her.

The Missus Lady says she knows what that was like. She says the Mama knew it, too, and even more. The Mama loved to climb trees when she was a kid. One day, when she was 12 years old, an older brother found her climbing up a coconut tree. When she came down, her brother beat her up, saying "Shame on you! You are too old to climb trees."  Mewr. She never said if she ever stopped.

Wadjda  (2012)
Setting: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Wadjda is a 10 year-old girl who lives with her mother in the suburbs. Her father lives there part-time it seems and now that Wadjda's mother can no longer bear children, he is thinking of taking a second wife.  Will he? If he does, what will happen to Wadjda and her mother?

Wadjda is not afraid to be conventional. She wears high-tops, while her classmates wear normal looking shoes, under their long cloaks, for example. It's not until she falls in love with a bicycle for sale at the corner store does Wajda decide to do something more in the ordinary. She enters a recitation contest of the Quran to win the prize that would be enough money to buy that bike. Will Wadjda win? He mother doesn't like or want Wadjda to ride a bicycle because it's unladylike. So, if Wadjda wins, how can she get her mom to agree to let her buy the bike? And, who will teach Wadjda how to ride a bike?

A note from Su-sieee! Mac: The letter W is the theme for this week's ABC Wednesday. Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world have written with the letter.  Thank you, ABCW team!


  1. Never heard of before ;-) Not that strange, never watching movies ;-)

    Have a ♥-warming ABC Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-w-team)

    1. Can't say that about the Missus Lady and Hero Man. :-)

  2. This film seems like it is a big critique of the policies of Saudi Arabia, I'm surprised it was allowed to be filmed as such in Saudia Arabia. It's a shame extremism overtook the middle east post-WWII.

    1. That's what Missus Lady thought, too. Not just Saudi Arabia, but also all of society. You have to take a leap to see the latter though.

  3. Great choice for this week. I've never heard of the movie - but would definitely watch it.

  4. What a sad story about the Mama ... there's always some man somewhere who wants to beat up a woman, or girl, because they don't 'conform'.

    I won't watch this movie, because in today's climate my heart is close to breaking for all the women who are telling their stories, but did Wadjda get her bike?

    1. She left this earth having 34 years of being an independent woman after she became a widow. As for Wadjda, it is the ending that you wanted for her and her mom.

  5. Good promo for this movie!


  6. i enjoy watching movies from around the world; and this story is bound to make me feel ....what, i dont know... but i should add it to my lsit

  7. lots of change in Saudi Arabia these days!


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