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Oh No ! ! !

Dear Blogging Friends,

Half an hour ago I removed a bunch of spam comments that were put on my blog today. Click. Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOO! I removed the last 100 comments. Aaaaaaaaak!

I found instructions for restoring deleted comments that made my eyes roll. Fortunately for me I have copies of most of your wonderful comments in my email box. Alas, not from Birgit, Adam, and others whose comments, for unknown reasons, don't get sent to my email box.

So, if you don't see your comments on the more recent posts, you now know why. Please know, I am very, very sorry.

Su-sieee! Mac


  1. Yeah, Birgit's comments don't arrive in my email box, either. I think she has that shut off.

    Sorry for your loss of comments. The spammers have been crazy lately. I learned how to go into my comments and just check boxes to get them all gone. Also, any post over 30 days old requires moderation. I catch most of the spam comments that way. (They rarely hit the newer posts. I'm not sure why.)

    1. What I ought to have done was scroll down to see what boxes got checked before touching the delete button. Lesson learned.

  2. I'm always afraid I will click the wrong thing and my whole blog will disappear!

  3. It's hard to keep it all straight! I need to check my Spam comments too! Enjoy your afternoon sweet lady!

  4. I only get the one person doing it on mine. It's annoying.

    1. In Blogger there's a feature where you can plug in email addresses of people so that they can't comment. I don't know if it works.

  5. The spam on Blogger has gotten out of spam I mean hand. Mmmm, spam.

    1. Fried spam and eggs on rice, my favorite breakfast.

    2. Sounds delicious and invasive.


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