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Blue Skies

Night clouds?

Nope. I took this picture of clouds in the middle of the day. This morning I was playing with Photoshop, and this is what happened when I used the auto color adjustment button on the original photo. Amazing, huh?

If made me wonder if Photoshop stripped out the blue color because the blue really isn't there in the sky. We see a blue sky during the day because of the way light waves rush through the atmosphere. Something like that. For the actual explanation, click here.

Anyway, I thought it was rather cool how the clouds looked in a darkish sky. Here's what the original photo looked like when I used the Auto Contrast adjustment button.  Clarity of blue.

And, here's the original photo untouched by Photoshop voodoo magic.

By the way, don't the clouds look like two people dancing or maybe two people having a gab fest?

All this musing about blue skies got me yearning to hear  Willie Nelson's rendition of Irving Berlin's Blue Skies. I thought you would enjoy listening to it, too. After some Willie, come join me at the Blue Monday blog hop by clicking here.


  1. I reckon its a pudgy eaglet on the left and a demure duck on the right... they're trying to decide what to order for dinner

  2. I can see your pudgy eaglet and demure duck, Widdershins. I wonder what they they ordered. :-)

  3. Dear Gentle Readers, It turns out I flubbed my sign up for the Blue Monday party today. I didn't realize it until a couple of hours ago. I still enjoying hopping around and seeing the takes on blues. Hope you did, too.
    ~Su-sieee! Mac

  4. Nice! I so love this blue skies :-)

  5. Beautiful blue skies, no matter how we adjust the colors...always perfect for Blue Monday!

  6. You are so clever to play with your photos. Willie is another favorite of mine. That CD I've played over and over. You always put my kind of music on your posts.

  7. Belle, thank you. :-)

    Coralie, that is for sure! :-)

    Manzi, we are like souls in space. :-)


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