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Playing Techie for a Couple of Days

I'm feeling pretty smart and down right proud of myself right now. I managed to create a new web site for my professional self without a single bit of swearing. Yep, that's a very good accomplishment for me. I'm also happy with the way it looks with its baby-blue background, which I didn't think I would like at first.  Ya, pat, pat, pat. 

Some people think I'm a smarty-pants techie, but that's only because I know the things they don't know. I honestly don't know a lot of technical stuff.

Don't ask me to write or analyze HTML because I have no idea what that is about. But, if you tell me to go find a specific piece of code, delete it, and insert another piece of code, which you've given me, I can do that. Once I've done it, I shall promptly forget what I just looked for and how to repeat the step.

That, dear readers, is how I went about creating a web site out of a Blogger blog template. Every time I wanted to make a change to the template, such as remove the navigation bar or make a static home page, I wrote my question into the Google search engine. Voila, A techie blogger had already figured it out and wrote the steps to solve my problem. If I didn't understand what he said, then I clicked the link of the next entry. Thank you very much, all you triple-smart Blogger techie guys out there. You made the process so easy for me. 

If you're a blogger with a Blogger blog, you might check out these web sites for technical advice and know-how when you are in need.
See if you can tell if my web site is a Blogger template.  If you don't see a baby-blue background, please let me know. Or, if you don't get the welcome page, please let me know, too. I know where to go for help.  Oh, and here's the link.

P.S. I've hooked up at the Follow Friday 40 + Over blog hop. Check it out.


  1. Su-sieee,
    Job well done. And I saw a little of your struggle. Your persistence really paid off. We will all do the "Happy Website Dance" with you.

  2. Whoo-hoo! I do love to dance, too. Thanks, Manzi. :-)

  3. Hi. I'm popping over from Never Growing Old. You have a lovely blog. I am a sewing and fashion diva and a mixed media artist with two blogs respectively. Come by and look around if you would like to see my creations.


  4. Thanks for those websites, I need them. I just left a comment on your other blog - thanks for visiting me from Java blog hop. It's always nice to have new people pop in. I've learned a lot around here today for sure. Your bike seems mighty, wow.

  5. i may need the book blogger for extraordinarily dumb dummies in the dumbest phase of dumbdom. or something:)
    i like the baby blue a lot, and the image you use of picking joy and love off the shrubs. the little birds in the background are a very nice touch.
    thanks for introducing me to the 40 and over place. cool.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my new dress; it is very soft and best part - $39 bucks at TJMaxx! Now I need it to cool off so I can wear it (just one cool day is all I need, I have to be careful what I ask for).

    Nice blog here, I'll be keeping up :)

  7. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I always reply on my blog to my commenters, but I wanted to make sure that you know how much I appreciate your visits.
    I love making new blog friends:) I'm looking forward to getting to know you! Have a great weekend. (Kathy)

  8. Lori: Yep, very baby blue. Appreciate you stopping by. :-)

    Trudy: Thank you. I shall head on over and visit.

    Haupi: Glad you came by. Hope you get your bike soon. Some days I like to sing that Queen song as I pedal away.

    Ed: No doubt you're as dumb as me. The drawing was done by the husband putting in the word tree per my request. He always like to stick 2 birds in the background of his drawings.

    Kim: What a deal! $39 for that beauty of a dress. I want to be that fortunate!

    Kathy: I do appreciate you coming over and letting me know. Since our movie and TV memories are similar, I think we are about the same age. :-)

  9. thanks for stopping by yesterday and for your comment! I love Java's follow friday 40 and over blog hop - I always find interesting and unique people, like you! have a great weekend.


  10. your blog looks good. keep up the good work
    roku box


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