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Day 39 with Tilda-Hilda & The Guys

Tilda-Hilda and I went out with the Husband and his Sun Flame this afternoon. Yaay!

We pedaled to downtown, stopping here and there for me to take photos for my other blog, Take 25 to Hollister. We pedaled and walked about 4 miles. Slow and easy. Half the time we pedaled against the wind so that made for a good workout. 



  1. Congrats to you! It is to be over 40C with the humedex all this week so I won't be outside much

    1. Weather guys say were supposed to be in the 90s and maybe into the 100s. Ugh! As long as the breeze comes through, I may not be grumpy.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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