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Pot Lids Galore

How many pot lids do I need? How many small ones, big ones, and in-between ones should I keep? The huge ones make wonderful cymbals. Clang, clang!  Those I'll keep for now.

I doubt any of the pot lids I found in the cabinets belong to the Husband and me, whether acquired together or individually before we knew the other existed. Most, if not all, of these pot lids belong to Mama. Awk! She wouldn't have liked knowing that so many lids have no accompanying pots. If she were here now, I would expect her to glare at me, spew out her hit parade of unflattering names at me, and critique me with something like "You're worse than a boy!" In hindsight,  hearing it all said in Ilocano and understanding it in English may have saved me from being susceptible to herd mentality. Thank you, Mama and Daddy.

Where was I? Pot lids! Mama had favorite ones. A few of the lids are etched with her name. "Why would she do that?" asked the Husband. "Would someone actually take her pot at potlucks?" It must've happened.

What big thought was I meandering towards? Pot lids! You would think it would be easy for me to throw out solo pot lids. Yeah, I would've thought so, too. Garden art on the horizon!


  1. oh do make something wonderful from them - I'm sitting here trying to think of something creative, hmm no luck yet!

    1. I need to find an open field where I can cling clang them loudly to my heart's delight.

  2. It's hard to get rid of things sometimes. They have sentimental value. Of course, if you donated them someplace, they might find a home where someone could use them.

    1. When does sentimental value turn into hoarding?

  3. Replies
    1. And, Lid Music! Clang, clang, clang! Our poor neighbors.


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