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13 Things on My Desk That I Like

I've a lot of stuff on my desk. Who hasn't, right? Here are 13 things on my desk that I double like, no, make that triple,  quadruple like.

1. Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl action figure. She was a gift from the Husband, along with Woody and his horse one Christmas or birthday.

2. My tarnished sterling silver baby cup. I put paper clips and whatever else in it.

3. A coffee mug from Calavera Coffee. That's the specialty coffee shop in town owned and run by a kind-hearted and determined young man. He recently moved into his own store front. May he have the success he wants and more.

4. The Kanger survival multi-tool. The size of a credit card, this stainless steel thing has a knife, a sharpening tool, scissors, and a magnifying glass. It also has the ability to file fingernails, fasten flathead screws, measure things, and open cans and bottles. I think the Husband gave it to me to carry in my purse, but I could be wrong.

5. A solar calculator from the early 1980s. This was Mama's. The numerals are big, very easy to see.

6. Revlon lipstick. It was Mama's, of course.  The lipstick was barely used, but its case, oh, so, elegant. I found it in a coin purse in Mama's purse. In her much later years, Mama wore clear lip gloss. (Gee I wonder if her lips sunburned like mine do.) But she still liked to carry lipstick when she went out. You never know when you'll want a hit of color to the lips.

7. A wooden perfume bottle with Bulgaria and a rose above it carved on one side. There may be two in the house, and, if there is, then, one belonged to Mama and the other to the Husband's parents.

8. A barely used art gum eraser.

9. A coin purse. Mama made it out of goat hide when she was a young thing.

10. A 12-inch ruler. Remember those?

11. A wooden flute. Every now and then I like to make random musical sounds.

12. A small framed photo of the handsome dude aka the Husband.

13. A junk journal template for punching holes in a hard cover book spine. I made it. Me! It's good to know that I can still pull it together when I want or must.

Looks like I miscounted again. The dandelion paperweight is the 14th item in the photo above. It was a gift from the Husband's dad, a sweet and thoughtful man I'm glad I met.

Today's share is with Thursday 13 and I Like Thursday. Hope you have a chance to check out the other bloggers. 


  1. I got nothing so artistic or interesting....except I have a homemade crown in gold paper with the word "words" pasted on it. I think it was from my croning ceremony when I told every one I didn't want to be a crone, I wanted to be crowned! Queen of words?

    1. You're most certainly Queen of Words, Colleen. :-)

  2. I love to have a tour of junk journal

    1. One of these days, Dora. I'm slowly getting a hang of it.

  3. Hello,
    It sounds like you have wonderful things from your Mama, I am sure they are happy reminders.. Jessie the Cowgirl, is she from Toy Story? Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. Yes, that's Jessie from Toy Story. The Husband got me a Jane Austen action figure doll too. He knows the key to my heart. :-)

  4. I try not to have anything on my desk other than things I need, ie stapler, paper clips, pens etc, but somehow it always seems to mysteriously get full of 'junk' :)

    1. I know what you mean, Eunice. I clean off my desk, I turn around, and, voila, cluttered!

  5. love this! #6 like chanel, those are the memories
    #8 barely used... mine is down to a nub!! lots of mistakes
    I still have 12" rulers and your hubs is so young there!!!

    1. That was how he looked about 22 years ago, more or less. We were living up in the Big City then. Good memories. :-)

  6. What a fun list! I love that you have your silver baby cup on your desk. Mine is on my dresser at home and has my tooth fairy money in it from when I was a little girl. Your list made me look around and think about where all the things on my desk came from!

    1. Wow, you're a great saver, Shannon! Tooth fairy money, :-) I love that.

  7. I have a ruler that looks very similar. Rulers haven't gone away. Most kiddos carry one in their school stuff (or did when we were at school). They use it for a straight edge more frequently than anything, but occasionally they're asked to measure something in math class.

    1. That's great to know rulers haven't gone the way of typewriters.

  8. Sounds like your desk is a window on your life!

  9. Best emergency survival kit, ever! :)

    1. And, here I was thinking we ought to put an emergency survival kit together. lol

  10. I was surprised Jessie was so minor in toy story four

    1. Maybe there'll be a fifth movie featuring Jessie. She is the new sheriff after all.

  11. ...I just have stuff on my desk, sometimes I can't tell what color the top of the desk is.

    1. That's pretty much my desk anytime I settle in front of the computer. lol

  12. An eclectic mix that makes me smile! We have a couple of 12" rulers floating around the house. Love the paperweight. :-)

  13. IT is lovely that your desk has many things that you love. I like that they are sentimental.


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