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Today's Thirteen

1. We went to see the Husband's doctor for his quarterly visit. Mostly good news, hurrah! According to the doctor's scale, the Husband and I lost 4 to 5 pounds since we last stood on that scale. Me, a month ago. Him, I don't know when. The doctor was impressed that the Husband lost 13 pounds in three months, something like that. I may have lost about 10 pounds. Pretty good for us not trying.

2. We want and need to lose weight. Him, maybe 10 more and me, far more. We aren't making a big deal about eating more of this, less of that, and none of the happy yummy stuff. We eat what we want, including potato chips and ice cream, and, as one doctor said to me long ago, be mindful about how much we consume in a sitting.

3. Years ago, friends in their 60s told us that they find themselves eating less as they aged. Their appetites were great and they enjoyed food, willing to try different cuisines. (They were foodies way before foodies came into fashion.)  So, I guess that has happened to us. Most times we eat two main meals a day, breakfast and the second meal, anywhere between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. The time depends on when we ate breakfast and when I wander into the kitchen to put something together for us.

4. It also helps that we don't eat out much anymore. That's one advantage to having few choices of restaurants in town. The one restaurant at which I think I wouldn't mind eating nearly every day is in the next town over. It only serves dinner, unfortunately. Unless we get there when it opens on the dot at 4:30 p.m., we're less likely to go because I can't handle night driving while the Husband, with his new eyes, is still uncomfortable about driving at night. Oh well, no gain, no pain of having to lose.

5. The other good news for the Husband is that his blood pressure measured 128/78. The best yet at the doctor's. 

6. The Husband has AFib so goes in monthly for a blood test to monitor how that's going. Today, the doctor said his result was "right on the money". Whooo-hooo!

7. The doctor's office is a short walk from home. On the way there we encountered a couple who happily greeted us and asked us how our vacation last weekend went. "Fine," we said, "thank you very much."

8. The couple who knew our business looked familiar and we've probably met them before at Filipino community functions.  I am certain that they knew Mama and had attended her funeral services, including lunch at the house. I have this hazy memory of the guy enjoying the Kona beer we served.

9. We can only guess that Molly the Cat's Aunties who took care of her while we were gone told tales about Molly to their friends.  The Aunties were impressed about the way Molly communicated with them. "She sat by the patio door. She looked out, then looked at us, and looked out the window again. So we opened the door and out she went," related one Auntie.

10. Mama's Spirit soared into the Heavens over 3 years ago. This afternoon, a judge approved my petition to execute her will. Last month, I sucked up my tears and completed the paperwork. An attorney advised me three years ago that because the estate was simple and straightforward I could handle it myself. So, I am, with the help of Nolo's How to Probate and Estate in California and the amazing easy-to-understand instructions posted online at the Superior Court of Santa Clara County website. But, I'm strongly considering a consultation with a lawyer to answer my specific questions.

11. I had no idea what to expect at a probate hearing, so most of yesterday I felt very anxious. Talking through possible worse scenarios with the Husband helped a lot. I also asked him to tell me, "All will be OK." He did and I felt more at east. Today I didn't start feeling nervous until I had to change into respectable clothes.

12. Before the judge called my petition, he heard a defender asking for dismissal of certain issues in his client's case because there was no evidence. The client was accused of molesting his daughter or stepdaughter (yuck, disgusting). The judge said there was proof, including circumstantial evidence, thus the accused must face all charges at his trial. Good for that judge!

13. It has been in the 90s today. A dry heat. A soft breeze started up an hour ago. After I post this, I'm going downstairs for a beer. Maybe the Husband will want to join me. And, perhaps, I'll put together our second main meal for today.

Today being a list of 13 items can only mean I'm linking up with Thursday 13. Come check out the other participants with me. Before you go, here's a photo of the lovely forever Mama and me, once upon a time.


  1. An interesting 13 things! Always wonderful to get good news from doctors.
    I found an easy way to improve my eating habits - eat as many different color foods as possible. That means I have tried more orange, red, green, and yellow foods than I ate previously. And I do love potatoes, but I limit white foods.
    That makes the few potatoes that I do eat seem even more delicious!

    1. That's an interesting way of getting a happy assortment of nutrients.

  2. My weight has never been an issue. I had been underweight for a long time. I didn't realize I gained pounds since then until I bought a digital scale.

    1. The Husband was like you. He started gaining weight in his mid-50s because he sat around a lot more.

  3. It's amazing how much info there really is on the Superior Court's website. If you can read (and understand!), you can probably figure most of it out on your own. But in this case a lawyer might be a good idea (just to make sure all is well).

    1. Yes, to be on the safe side. While waiting yesterday I checked out the three lawyers around me who were handling probate cases. There's one who looks like a possible candidate.

  4. Congratulations on getting that weight off your shoulders, the probate thing, but also at the doctors. :)

    1. Thanks, Widders. Still more weight to go for probate. I feel like I've been dropped into a room and looking for clues and tasks to fulfill. Fortunate for me, I don't have much with which to contend. With what I must do, it's like pulling teeth. I want Daddy and Mama to hold my hands.

  5. The health stuff is good news! Bill has A-Fib also ... that one and the ones you wrote about how you eat now (twice a day basically) — I could have written (but not as well as you did). My friend calls the second meal “Linner” , for combination lunch/dinner. Best wishes for successful completion of probate., I think an attorney is probably a good idea just in case, but that’s probably because I wouldn’t understand the instructions....but also because he or she isn’t emotionally involved. Even after a few years, that has to be such a hard thing.

    1. Linner, I like that. It makes me think of throwing out a fishing line. Linner today will most likely be grilled cheese sandwich with basil/parsley pesto.
      I appreciate the best wishes, Sallie. I've already got a lawyer in mind to consult. Saw him at the hearing. I surmised (ha, lawyer words) from his chatter with the bailiff that he, the lawyer, is in his early 30s. He's already sporting a bit of grey.
      Yes, it is. Difficult. Which can only make me stronger, right? :-)

  6. I wish I ate less as I age but that is not the case for me. My meds make me always hungry and I must fight it constantly. I love Molly's communication skills and would understand her easily. Good luck with probate and just remember it will soon be over.

    1. Thanks, Carol. It's keeping my anxiety at bay that makes this seem bigger and overwhelming than it needs be. Sorry to hear your meds stimulate your appetite.


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