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The Husband and I are listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival, while I'm clicking on the keyboard. It was a fun morning. We drank freshly-brewed coffee and ate olive bread with butter and cheese, as well as finished the leftover berry strudel and custard tart that a friend brought over for dessert last night. The food and drink put me in a giddy mood. Still am.  I think the coffee was made from drunken beans. Yes, I do.

As we got breakfast together, we wondered what to do today. We knew what we didn't want to do. And, so far I haven't done the laundry and the Husband hasn't cut the lawn. We thought of what we could do—maybe hike at the Pinnacles National Park, or drive over to Monterey, or go see a movie. We haven't done any of that either. I doubt we shall.

We did some stuff this morning. The Husband brought in the garbage cans and cleaned Molly the Cat's litter box. I collected all of the Mama's artificial flowers around the house and washed them, which I shall distribute among the sisters' and godparents' graves. The Husband washed the Mams's vases, containers, and a few other cute doo-dads, while I sorted through a couple more of the Mama's drawers and cabinets.

I'm finding a lot of interesting stuff that the Mama stashed away over the years. . .the gold watch her company gave her after 25 years of service. . .birthday and mother's Day cards. . .a recipe for a bittermelon and black bean dish from the Only and Older Brother. . .the porcelain dove that I bought for her in Enseñada in 1974. . .the wishbone from either a duck or turkey.

This morning, it wasn't so hard going through the Mama's stuff. I guess it helps to be giddy from drunken coffee beans.


  1. Drunken Coffee Beans - and lots of LOVE . . .

    You have reminded me of songs i used to sing . . . thanks - NOW, i gotta put on some Creedence Clearwater and Dance . . (smiling your direction)

  2. We never have breakfast together, first we don't eat, and only have coffee, but we are both rather grumpy so we avoid to have coffee together, lol ! Yes I think it helps to sort out Mama's stuff !

    1. This was a rare day of eating breakfast together at the kitchen table. That might have added to the giddiness, too, come to think of it. :-)

  3. The only time we eat breakfast together is in a restaurant - I'd have been giddy too!

    1. Oooh, I like going out for breakfast. Pancakes!

  4. Where did you find these giddy coffee beans? Hubby likes to sleep in and I am a morning person, so we hardly ever eat breakfast together. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

    1. They were the last in the bag of coffee, which the Sacramento Niece gave us for Christmas. The last of things are often the best. :-)

  5. How did I get so behind??. I'm glad things are moving a bit better for you. It's always fun to see what our parents keep....the wishbone is interesting

    1. I'm behind, too, Birgit with my responses to comments. I don't realize I am until I don't know...notice the dates? If it weren't for garbage day, I would be worse about what day is what. I suppose I'll get rid of the wishbone. One day.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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